
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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Valkar @valkar
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Valkar @valkar
From personal experiences I have to say living with friends isn't the best idea. Given your situation though its better than a total stranger. Honestly if possible I'd advise being on your own to avoid any unpleasant scenarios.
In GA you have to give someone 30 days to move out legally. So if things go awry it can cause plenty of stress.

Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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Lead Dickhead. @hikki758
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xueli @xueli
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xueli @xueli
Depends on you really. You have to know what you're like as a roommate and what you absolutely can't stand in other people's living habits. And even then, those can sometimes be worked around with compromise (not in public spaces, etc.) Honestly, I've had good and bad experiences living with other people, friends, and strangers. Sometimes it actually strengthens our relationship when I moved in with friends and then sometimes I think, "Wow, I would have totally been good friends with this person if we didn't live together." Just kinda have to go with your own feelings on this one :/
I will say that pretty much all the bad drama and crap for me always came down to money. Financial issues are something that's really uncompromisable (to me at any rate)

Jashadow @jashadow
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Jashadow @jashadow
It can be tough, but I think that the best roommates are those you know better, such as family that you grew up around, or close friends whose houses you visited frequently so you know their habits. From personal experiences, I've found that living with my cousins are easier than roommating with friends, but I'm sure it varies.

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
maybe start with a trial run? like, live for a week and see how it goes
if not, she goes back home no harm done, if not and you really click then it could work!
as someone whos living with a friend atm setting up and establishing eachothers responsibilities is very important before, having a guideline or chore wheel
as with any relationship, communication is very important and if your not happy you should let them know in a nonconfrentitional way
so overall just set up your expectations and talking to them about it, maybe setting up a trial period to see if you click without committing to anything ^v^
hope that helps :>

manny_heart @manny_heart
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manny_heart @manny_heart
I've gone through two roomates now and both are friends, it's always a hit or miss.
Honestly though if cleanliness is a big deal for you then she's probably not the right roomie, i had to ask my last two roomates to bounce because they didn't meet up with the cleaning standards. It's just not worth losing a friend over if they don't fit you're living habits.
You might be awesome friends but sometimes living together is not ideal lol.
Also just a tip that I do now is, hold interviews with people who are interested. this will set the tone and standards of how things will go. Make a list of the most important questions you'd like to ask regarding renting out a room and go over the list of standards and rules (:

Manga_bird @manga_bird
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Manga_bird @manga_bird
I think Manny's idea is the best. You're best of interviewing a room mate to see if they will fit with you.
Living with your friend isn't a bad idea, but if you've been to their house and seen what it's like, then decided you wouldn't like to live the way they live then you won't fit together. Be aware that if they did move in then you'd likely end up cleaning all the communal areas because you'd be the one most bothered about the mess. Their room might be messy, but that wouldn't be your concern unless it became a health hazard.
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