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Civil War Is Coming

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Oct 05, 17 at 11:22pm
I feel like this needs it's own thread (Certainly not in this one). The egos are strong, here. "This" is not about some bigger issue, "this" will change nothing.
biologically you are male, thats hard science for you and no amount of hormones or surgery can change that
Oct 05, 17 at 11:23pm
Not getting any apologies from me. You don't to get to force others to play along with your delusions. I mean, you admitted that you actively ignore facts and statistics. Then turn around in the same statement and talk about common sense. It's completely asinine. Especially when the facts point to people regretting destroying their bodies post transition. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/body/gender-reversal-surgery-rise-arent-talking/ http://thefederalist.com/2017/10/04/university-refuses-research-growing-numbers-trans-people-want-go-back/ How about taking funding away from anyone researching something that could damage the narrative? Oh wait they have. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/timothymeads/2017/10/01/british-professor-shows-sex-change-regret-is-rising-university-takes-away-his-funding-n2389308 https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/universitys-transgender-surgery-regrets-study-shot-down-as-too-risky
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to be honest it wasnt a very good explanation. it doesnt help either that youre just tossing around wild accusations of some random person online taking away your rights
Oct 05, 17 at 11:27pm
Y'all are silly.
Oct 05, 17 at 11:30pm
Yet research into why is actively blocked. Mark my words, in a decade or so transition will be considered as cruel and barbaric as electro shock therapy. They'll wonder why so many people actively enabled the mentally ill to permanently ruin their bodies and lives. Doesn't matter how many hormones you take. Nor how many surgeries you get, you won't be a woman. Just a guy with tits. I had wanted to talk about Commumism but people decided I was guilty of wrongthink for calling you a he and got us all derailed. > truth There you go contradicting yourself again. You ignore truth unless it fits in your little ideological bubble, like most Commies.
>Y'all are silly. i know right? he just wanted to keep going and pushing the issue, so i played along
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