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Civil War Is Coming

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if you insist on continuing then this is all on you. when i said i didnt care about typing in 1 extra letter i shouldve been more specific. i recognize your rights and dont care what you do with your life or body but i simply dont care about catering the needs of people with gender dysphoria. this is not hate, its indifference. if you still view it as hate then its not my problem in the end why the do you care so much about one persons opinion on that matter? being mislabeled shouldnt change the way you live your life. if it does then thats an issue you have, not me "I accept apologies pretty easy." this is a pretty presumptious thing to say, because im not apologizing since i havent done anything wrong
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i didnt realize there was a law stating i had to label you a certain way in the US. thats not actually a right so im not denying you anything >So i assume you also don't care about calling cisgender people by their pronouns? cisgender people generally dont have special needs when it comes to labeling their gender so this isnt an issue at all "Would you think it's alright if i called you a he, even though your profile clearly says female? Would eoca not feel uncomfortable if i kept calling him a she, despite knowing better? " i wouldnt give a shit and i doubt he would care either under normal circumstances >Your 'i don't mind trans people but i won't recognise them as their gender'. How is that no phobia? It's the same as saying 'i dont mind foxes but i won't recognise them as mammals' do you even know what the word phobia means? that word doesnt fit this situation at all and that analogy is terrible. its not like foxes demand we label them as such
I don't even know why I bothered to check this thread again.
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Oct 05, 17 at 11:11pm
There will always be those who disagree with you. What's important is the respect given by both parties and more importantly, by yourself. Offended if someone calls you "he"? Just remember, sticks and stones may brake my bones, but bad words will never hurt me. This is even more relevant when talking to people online, they don't know you and you don't know them. They don't agree with you? Tough shit, move on or beat your head against a brick wall. At the end of the day, those words on that screen, they only have what power you wish to give them.
>Sjee, how can you act so difficult for something as easy as this. to be fair you wanted to continue this, i was willing to drop it. you claim its difficult for me, but i'll ask you this :why is it so hard for you to stop caring about this? i call them "special needs" because you outright said i was denying you your rights. thus the term special needs
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"because you see a female and then deliberately call the female a male" yeah about that, i disagree. its still not transphobic or hateful or indicative of wanting to take away your rights
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