New Anime coming soon this year

RoninSydd @roninsydd
New Anime coming soon this year
RoninSydd @roninsydd
What new series that you are excited that is or has been released? I'm really excited about the new Fairy Tail anime coming out soon, i've loved the manga i can't wait how it looks.

Albel Ryujin @albel_ryujin
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New Anime coming soon this year
Albel Ryujin @albel_ryujin
looking forward to the new season of Claymore coming out myself. It looks/sounds like its going to be pretty bad ass. But I'm also looking forward to more releases of D. Gray Man, seeing as the artist keeps getting injured/sick >.<

RoninSydd @roninsydd
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New Anime coming soon this year
RoninSydd @roninsydd
I know right! Every so often i hear that happens! Rumiko Takahashi(Ranma 1/2, Inuyasha) went through the same ordeal when she was writing and drawing.

Holycarrot @holycarrot
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New Anime coming soon this year
Holycarrot @holycarrot
Well I dont know about this year, but the new slayers is coming to American in 2010 :3 so very excited

Seto D. Requiem @seto_s_osiris_jenkins
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New Anime coming soon this year
Seto D. Requiem @seto_s_osiris_jenkins

Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
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New Anime coming soon this year
Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
There may be a 2nd season of High School of the Dead coming to Japan in the fall. So if that happens, maybe the states will get it sometime next year.

SolarFlareKC @solarflarekc
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New Anime coming soon this year
SolarFlareKC @solarflarekc
The new Berserk is the only thing I can think of that I would like to watch.

Kyetge! @kyetge
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New Anime coming soon this year
Kyetge! @kyetge
I can't wait for HSotD's purported second season! :O

threewolves @threewolves
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New Anime coming soon this year
threewolves @threewolves
That would be great to see (HSotD) a second season of. Looking forward to it.

Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
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New Anime coming soon this year
Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
A 2nd season of HotD = More time to stare at Takagi in all of her smexyness!
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