What are you currently playing?

nightvenger @nightvenger
What are you currently playing?
nightvenger @nightvenger
I am playing Metal Gear Rising. :D

jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
commented on
What are you currently playing?
jakratchet12 @jakratchet12
Persona 3, I played through persona 5 and figured I should play the other ones so yeah

JacquelineHime @jacquelinem
commented on
What are you currently playing?
JacquelineHime @jacquelinem
Going back and playing Fire Emblem Awakening again. Forgot how fun it is :D

Formless @karurosu
commented on
What are you currently playing?
Formless @karurosu
I thought we already had this thread?
Y'all amigops should check it out.

nightvenger @nightvenger
commented on
What are you currently playing?
nightvenger @nightvenger
@Formless Woops.. xDD

thatguytony @thatguytony
commented on
What are you currently playing?
thatguytony @thatguytony
Lol, ya done nightvenger. But I'm on overwatch or Pokemon when I'm by myself, but if my friends are on I'm on halo wars 2 overwatch (I know I know, already said it) or gears

thatguytony @thatguytony
commented on
What are you currently playing?
thatguytony @thatguytony
And @jacquelinehime, fire emblem awakening is fun. time to tip the scales

JacquelineHime @jacquelinem
commented on
What are you currently playing?
JacquelineHime @jacquelinem
Always tipping the scales playing Awakening. :D Although they're tilting on me this time because I've already lost two units. x_X

thatguytony @thatguytony
commented on
What are you currently playing?
thatguytony @thatguytony
I hate that, I always end up reloading cause I can't bear to lose anybody. Who did you lose?

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
commented on
What are you currently playing?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Playing through Doom 2016 yet again because it's that dang good. I'm also playing the item randomiser mod for Dark Souls and it's absolutely fantastic - really changes how you play the game and it's silly good fun even if it's a nightmare to set up since you have to extract and rebuild all the different archives for the game and do a bit hexadecimal nonsense. Got it working on the first try though and I certainly don't regret the time I spent setting it up!
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