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Flings or Serious Relationships?

Are you the type to just want to have fun with several different people and I guess like a booty call? Or do you like the idea of finding that one special somebody and only being with that person? ________________________________________________ I'm a hopeless romantic myself. I don't want to date now but later when I look for someone I just want that one girl and no one else. I don't understand the attraction to multiple partners and you don't know for sure what they have even when practicing safe sex. Shouldn't there be a deeper connection between you and that other person instead of waking up next to someone who you might not even remember their first name cause you were so drunk the night before? If you do like flings, can you explain what's so good about it? and If you are for Serious Relationships I'd also like to hear what are the positives to being in a long-term relationship even though I personally am for the long-term ones but it's just my own opinions so I'd like to hear others as well...
i think im too old to do the booty call fling stuff guess it can be fun but i just want a companion
lol but Lamby you're only 21. That's not old at all. I'm the old person. Maybe not the oldest otaku on the site but I'm up there. I'm 28. Although I understand why you feel that way cause when I was 17,my 18th birthday I was like "mannn,this sucks. I'm so old." Then I was 20 and I said " How the heck am I already 20!!?" And now I'm like I wish I was 20 again cause 28 is wayyyyy too old. >.> I can only imagine how tragic it'll be when I'm 30 lol
I wouldn't be interested in a Fling ever, I turned it down when I was 16 and would still to this day. I honestly just think being used/using someone for sexual gratification can only lead to hurt in the end. I would only be interested in a serious relationship.
Wait, what am I talking about. I completely screwed that post up. I meant 21 years old isn't too old for someone to still be into flings. Not you personally Lamby. >.< And then I went off track talking about how I felt 18 was old, having nothing to do with the fling thing. Anywho, I been up for 24 hours so I'm going to bed. I'll make more sense when I get enough rest....-_- @ Brass Zombie I agree with ya there
I only play when I cant find something serious.
Apr 01, 17 at 12:37am
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My serious relationships never last long. Longest was almost 3 years. I end up getting too comfortable and they get bored of me.
I´ve had 2 flings so far. Still I am crazy about. Some relationships too but nothing serious
I'd rather have a serious relationship than a fling. Kind of wierd considering I have neither of them.
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