Do you know why SJWs attacking us gamers & otakus male & female & attacking what we love?

cloud87 @cloud87
Do you know why SJWs attacking us gamers & otakus male & female & attacking what we love?
cloud87 @cloud87
To be specific here's my question: Do you know why SJWs AKA Social Justice Warriors including some if not most or all Feminists & Anita Sarkeesian attacking us gamers & otakus male & female & attacking what we love?
I apologize if this sounds like a rant I'm just wondering do you know why though to be honest i have had it with those motherfuckers of SJWs including some if not most or all Feminists & Anita Sarkeesian i feel like telling them. To SHUT THE FUCK UP sorry for my language if it's not allowed on this site they always either censored games,banned games or stopping games from either coming to the U.S or stopping it from being localized.
As 2 examples are DOAX3 volleyball well it's not coming to the U.S thanks to those motherfuckers & thanks to them if i choose to buy it I'll diffidently added the game to my collection of import games since i don't know does 2 Xbox 360 games on my American Xbox 360 & Jstars Victory VS+ & Nitro+Blasterz Infinity heroin duels for PS4 count & my 2nd example is that those motherfuckers of SJWs banned GTAV at Australia.
& most of all they make up any BS oh this is sexist or oh that's harassment I'm sure there are many more stuff they make up these are just some of examples of what us gamers & otakus male & female went through & they're attacking what we love. It does sickens me & makes me so mad & sad at the same time i feel like giving those motherfuckers of SJWs a piece of my mind & show them all prove to prove they're a liars & all they care about is themselves.
& plus they find everything we love offensive it's so stupid if you hate everything we love then go move to an Island with all of you SJWs including some if not most or all Feminists & Anita Sarkeesian then you don't have to deal with what we love,you don't have to deal with us gamers & otakus male & female & leave us gamers & otakus male & female alone & leave what we love alone & stop making up lies & BS thank you.
Thanks for reading,thanks for your inputs of SJWs AKA Social Justice Warriors including some if not most or all Feminists & Anita Sarkeesian & thanks for your understanding & thanks for your time thanks again for your help & to end it here or at least for now. Don't worry I'll gladly defend all of us gamers & otakus male & female & of course if they need me to & if they ever needed any back up & defend what we love & if you wish to share you mad & such feel free to do so :).
If you already know my PSN on PS3/PS4 since i have a PS4 & i also have a PS2 & if you already answered it & if you want to feel free to answer it again if you want to & if any of you ever want to be friends with me on PS4 then feel free to ask me for my PSN. Either through here,PM me or visit message me whichever you prefer if not i fully understand & if i leave anything out i apologize these are just some examples of what some of us went through & deal with :).

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Do you know why SJWs attacking us gamers & otakus male & female & attacking what we love?
Lamby @momoichi
they arent
at this stage there are more people attacking "sjws" then there even are sjws

cloud87 @cloud87
commented on
Do you know why SJWs attacking us gamers & otakus male & female & attacking what we love?
cloud87 @cloud87
really then explain why they never allowed to be released in the U.S & when they're saying oh that game sexualized women that game is sexist that teaches guys objectivacation of women when it's not even true about guys thanks to them we have to import the game if we ever wanted to play DOAX3 beach volleyball

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Do you know why SJWs attacking us gamers & otakus male & female & attacking what we love?
Lamby @momoichi
which game are we talking about? because honestly tl;dr

cloud87 @cloud87
commented on
Do you know why SJWs attacking us gamers & otakus male & female & attacking what we love?
cloud87 @cloud87
2 of the examples i gave in my question are Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 beach volleyball not being released here in the U.S & i also mention thanks to SJWs they bannd GTAV from Australia

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Do you know why SJWs attacking us gamers & otakus male & female & attacking what we love?
Lamby @momoichi
sjws didnt ban GTAV in australia lol there known for being stupidly strict on games
also dont just blame the sjws but blame the companies aswell for bowing so easily to some complainers
also i kind of agree to the dead or alive thing, its ridiculous on how they made it, its quite rapey this time around
but im not sure personally how to feel on it, while on one side IT IS OBJECTIFICATION on the other i believe they should have the freedom to make any game they want (within reason)

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Do you know why SJWs attacking us gamers & otakus male & female & attacking what we love?
Lamby @momoichi
the term sjw is stupid in general
an "sjw" is just anyone you dont like at this point,not radical feminists and constant "victims"

Cero @cero
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Do you know why SJWs attacking us gamers & otakus male & female & attacking what we love?
Cero @cero
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MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Do you know why SJWs attacking us gamers & otakus male & female & attacking what we love?
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman

Nobody @muffster
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Do you know why SJWs attacking us gamers & otakus male & female & attacking what we love?
Nobody @muffster
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