Rem @dragonrem
Rem @dragonrem
What is y'all's reasons for uploading or not uploading pictures (edit: of yourselves) to y'all's profiles..? ._ .
mariahaise @mariahaise
commented on
mariahaise @mariahaise
Because this is one hell of a place full of hot people, like your mom, and we want to 'mate' each other.
Rem @dragonrem
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Rem @dragonrem
Yes, tbh I wanted to know why some people don't upload pictures of themselves.. do they think they're ugly or do they not want pictures of themselves online? Curious
Max @reclaw
commented on
Max @reclaw
I have pictures of myself up, and that's all that counts. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
blood&icecream @utaghoul1991
commented on
blood&icecream @utaghoul1991
Max is too goddamn hot T.T No one else needs pics because he's got us all covered.
mariahaise @mariahaise
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mariahaise @mariahaise
^ the rest of ugly mortals don't matter right??
ivr94 @ivr94
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ivr94 @ivr94
This account has been suspended.
Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
commented on
Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
To keep my identity hidden.
I can't have too many people knowing what I look like due to one of my jobs.
Plus I don't want to worsen my stalker problem.
neeto @neet_one
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neeto @neet_one
Privacy, that's pretty much it.
wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
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wasistdas [FALLEN] @wasistdas
I just Upload for the lulz. Who cares if someone know how I look like and who cares if someone from the end of the World find me ugly. I dont see any cons, except max shiny Existence. The World need more of you and less porn.
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