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What was your biggest 'dick move' towards a girl you were interested in?

What was your biggest "D*ck Move" towards a girl you were interested in? Do you guys even realize the times when you were actually making a dick move towards a girl you were interested in? That not so suave move that made her not wanna talk to you anymore? If so, what were these biggest mistakes that you dont wanna repeat again?
Nice Child Emperor Avatar. In HS I was pretty territorial and aggreviated at often times and you could see it in my stiff flirting. I'm glad I grew out of it haha.
back in middleschool a girl i used to be friends with (i was kinda interested in her) well she was being picked on by another kid. they used to call her names but since i used to hang out with the kid who did it i never said anything about it. so one day she was sitting a few seats away from me in lunch and the guy came over and told me some mean stuff about her. i knew she could hear it cuz she looked over at me all sad. i felt bad about it but after that she stopped being friends with me and never talked to me. i guess you can say it was me being a dick to her, cuz a real friend wouldnt have let it happen.
My biggest dick towards a girl? Hmmmmm.....that is a hard one. Probably 5 maybe 6 inches. No context.
@snake you dont know your own size? lol i've known mine since freshman year in highschool
Yeah but I am a grower. I never have a ruler on hand when the situation arises. HA!!! GET IT?!
I felt too bad to break up with the closest thing Ive had to a GF, so I tried to get her to break up with me by seeming disinterested. It worked and we split up, but stayed friends. We didnt really share any of the same interests and have kinda fallen out of touch, she was the first girl to show any interest in me so that kinda got me to ignore my better judgment
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