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Bleach is Being Continued.

https://maiotaku.com/topics/51607 ^^ I expressed some thoughts here re the first Bleach fight song.
@verucassault I enjoyed that song early in the series (and I think it was used in the first movie) but as it got into the later seasons, I'm glad they started to use new music tracks for fight scenes because the enemies became significantly more powerful than what Ichigo was fighting in season 1. To me that track doesn't fit the fights particularly once it gets into the Hueco Mundo arc.
So I've finally went back to Bleach, where it picked up in the middle of a battle *aggravated*. Let me get this straight.... this guy https://pm1.narvii.com/6473/89caeab30490e4887db836b8023e88e323d2a7ed_00.jpg left a fight to go change clothes? Explains how awesome he is, tongues and then deep throats his sword having a bursting internal orgasm to change into his ultimate Espada form? I really have missed Bleach. https://c.tenor.com/XbGebOy9Lf0AAAAM/anime-girl.gif
Is this a porn parody of bleach? Kinda sounds like it
That literally happens in ep 191.
https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bleach/images/d/d9/Gabriel.gif/revision/latest?cb=20160905200335&path-prefix=en I remember that dude from the manga. @verucassault He literally has a move named "Gabriel" in which he puts a clone of himself into another person. - I stopped following Bleach after that, haha!
Note taken, stay away from gabriel he will try to impregnate you
https://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36800000/-Szayelaporro-Granz-bleach-anime-36871525-500-240.gif https://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/38000000/-Nemu-Kurotsuchi-bleach-anime-38052010-400-230.gif How else do you think I made my 47 other accounts?
Last night Arc was getting me all hyped up for the Nel reveal. But I have to say, when I saw Pharoah Mayuri, he stole the show. Best fight in the series so far. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/antagonists/images/7/74/Untitled_by_vampiregodesnyx-d7hm7a7.jpg https://youtu.be/WMjQyGmt-v4
https://youtu.be/iutQJzAXiWo Trailer came out a few weeks ago.
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