Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread

Sephiroth @sephiroth
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread
Sephiroth @sephiroth
If you encounter something that doesn't appear to work, works differently than expected, or could work better, post here.
Current Bugs
* The chat doesn't work smoothly with multiple MaiOtaku tabs open
Anime - Import/Export XML anime list.
Anime - Get more listed.
Cons - Get more listed.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread
Lamby @momoichi
i think an email that details why someone was banned or if they get suspended for a period of time would help
when they click notifications the box stays up until you hit Hide instead of just clicking off screen, maybe its a personal thing but most sites do that

StarDust @smolrosebean
commented on
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread
StarDust @smolrosebean
I can't seem to send photos in the messages :c it'll send me to an error page, this just started today orz..

Hentai no chin chin @naokosanjitsu
commented on
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread
Hentai no chin chin @naokosanjitsu
This account has been suspended.

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread
Sephiroth @sephiroth
@Lamby - No. Most of the banned users are spammers, so there's no point.
@smolrosebean - I fixed the ability to send photos in messages. Thanks for letting me know.
@naokosanjitsu - Check

Feather @feather
commented on
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread
Feather @feather
New user, sorry if I missed something.
-Profile info labels like ethnicity, has kids or not, wanting kids or not, smokes or not, drugs or not, religious (type) or not, and other big info labels for quick reference and search filters. Many of these could be considered deal breakers and could help in finding desirable results. This could also be a nice speed up premium feature.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread
Lamby @momoichi
oohh this new chat box ich liebee~~

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread
Lamby @momoichi
where are the options on gallery photos

Cid @tylor
commented on
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread
Cid @tylor
just a quick one it seems to be error on everyone's profile page no matter who you click on
your probably aware but just in case

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread
Sephiroth @sephiroth
I think I've fixed the profile page error.
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