More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime

kajune @kajune
More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime
kajune @kajune

Freakpanda @freakpanda
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More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime
Freakpanda @freakpanda
You do realize there is also a lot of good western cosplayers?
Also so what if someone who is a tad overweight wants to cosplay someone? Let them

Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
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More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
Kajune, you are just propagating a stereotype.
These are Asian cosplayers too...
And American cosplayers:
(ok, technically UK)

Ghost @kuharido
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More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime
Ghost @kuharido
You're forgetting the "play" in cosplay.

Kringles @kurosora97
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More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime
Kringles @kurosora97
I think you have been a bit too long on proud tobe asian blogspot and it's getting to your mind. Do you really think that all non-asian person on this planet are either fat or ugly while every asian girl is perfect. (Gotta admit the last western girl was pretty, like here more than the asian version, :/)
That site is definity looking for the most extreme verions of every site to claim there right, and if you want to believe that that site post "true" content, go ahead and just do that. But i think someone must be dumb af to follow blogs like this made by cranky asians.

Kringles @kurosora97
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More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime
Kringles @kurosora97
You might like this one.

Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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Spencer @aphelion978
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More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime
Spencer @aphelion978
I think lipstick might compliment the eyeliner too. Lol.

Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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Spencer @aphelion978
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More reasons why I'm convinced westerners must not touch/Cosplay Anime
Spencer @aphelion978
Sorry I was just making a sarcastic joke, as far as I know Hestia doesn't wear lipstick. It appears to me, that Kurosora put up that picture to bother Kajune, so I was just taking the joke one step further.
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