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Your thoughts about trump winning the presidency

The liberal voters did themselves a disservice if theyd have realized Bernie would have wiped Trump off this planet but HRC voters were way too cultist and blinded. Most of the Anti Hillary fuel wouldnt have been present with Bernie. Atleast if it was in a totally different form. It would have steered things toward economics (an actual issue) more than smearing.
Perhaps there would have been less anti-(democratic candidate) sentiment with Bernie, but he was too liberal for the states that they needed to win. There's just no way around the fact that he lost miserably in Virginia, Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. Hillary herself barely won Virginia and we're supposed to believe Bernie would have picked up these states? And Trump would have pounded Bernie as being socialist - something the older citizens of these country, both conservative and liberal would have an extremely difficult time going along with (i.e. the bulk of the voting population).
It wouldnt have been easy for Bernie but other than economics he would have much more been able to just blast Trump on his dirt since he doesnt have that kind if dirt himself. A lot of people myself included came out to block HRC but I doubt Bernie would have drawn that put as much. I even voted downticket red in everything else just in case. I think a lot of undecideds went third party or Trump.
I personally tend to agree with Democrats on economics or lean their way but with "progressives" I cant go their way socially without serious caveats and I sure as hell cant with laws particularly gun laws.
I just don't see it. Bernie lost by more than 10 percentage points in those states to Hillary. It wasn't like it was close. I can't comment on other states, but living in Virginia, as close as it was in the actual election, I don't see any way Bernie would have gotten it. That's even with her VP pick being a pretty popular guy here. And Virginia is the one that she actually did win. The pro-Trump sentiment might be stronger than people are giving credit. I really didn't think he would even have a chance here with Tim Kaine as her VP. It's just ridiculous how close it was.
I think thee covered it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f61Q2lDpykQ&index=1&list=RDf61Q2lDpykQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o83qSKET1lk&list=RDf61Q2lDpykQ&index=2
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I live in PA another one that was down to the wire. Maybe it wouldnt have been a landslide but Bernie votets wouldnt ostracize HRC voters as the reverse did. Hes very liberal with economics but as far as 2A goes hes alright for a liberal and that could have given him an in among the right side. Not to mention most of his policies would get watered down to be less socialist and more capitalism with a conscience. Bernie also would have the millenial vote and turned them out to the polls. He wouldnt have been as hated as HRC was and in an election this close that would have made the difference
Members of the electoral college do not always vote in favor of popular vote. Not all states have laws that prevent or punish unfaithful voting. Some people argue the electoral college helps prevent continuous recounts but boo fucking hoo. It should be counted and counted again until it's done even if the election runs into the next day. In its origin, one of the purposes of the college was due to politicians fearing the voters would be ill informed of the candidates and the electoral college would step in and vote "correctly". Basically it's just another cog in the political machine so many people supporting Trump claim to be fighting against. It's not something that has came up just now, don't forget 2000, Gore and Bush. Gore won pop vote even more so than Hillary did.
Faithless voting in the EC is almost write off worthy rare (I think its like 17 times out of over 22000). So lets not make some big realized problem of it. Sure on its face it sounds a bit counter intuitave to have a layer between and call it the will of the people. Also the whole "everyone is just one vote" which is still true either way. You (veruca) missed the other big point in why the EC is necessary and that is to prevent less population dense area concerns from being swallowed up and cast aside by the populated areas. If it were straight up popular vote the concerns of nearly half the voting public would have been dismissed and swallowed up. Also its only happened 4 or 5 out 45 elections so lets not act like the EC is some broken useless system. My main gripe with the EC is that its winner take all in 48 states so sure a tweak could be okay but it has its rightful place both as a safeguard and to maintain more than populous votes mattering
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