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Muscular fitness

Oct 30, 16 at 12:54am
They also eat more fish than westerners over there. I have an obsession with fish, but it's such a solid food with the omega3 for healthy fats and brain function, and a few other nutrients/vitamins.
They are eating fish, rice and vegetables while we are eating hamburgers and pizza and biscuits and gravy and bacon. And lots of junk food on top of that.
I actually like sushi, but no easy place for me to eat it right now. I won't eat supermarket sushi. I like Unagi eel rolls with wasabi. I suppose I could learn to fix it if I can find Eel around here.
Oct 30, 16 at 1:02am
Pretty much sums it up. You know where it's at though with the wasabi and eel rolls, and good idea avoiding supermarket sushi lol.
Oct 30, 16 at 1:28am
I got into lifting weights in high school but fell out of it. I had to push myself to do it. I took some martial arts classes and learned some dynamic tension stuff which I liked. I got into yoga about two years ago. I go for walks fairly often. Not an Olympic athlete but I get around. I'd like to stay active and healthy into old age. Getting into yoga I see that is a reality a lot of fellow practioners have great stories of healing from disease with yoga aiding them. Also my dad is in his sixties and still active. I think one of the best things you can do for your health is let go of your ego and explore. I use to bad mouth yoga thinking it was 'pansy' I think a lot of people fall into that thinking like only one way works but everyone is different. I got bad panic attacks and took up yoga since I was desperate to calm my nerves. It really turned my thinking around and I got to try out different yoga styles. If you find something you like it won't be a grind to do it. It'll feel rejuvenating.
Reminds me of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzSGl1yrFOY
Oct 30, 16 at 8:46am
You will miss the taste of starches & sugars a lot. Unless you are on a bulking up phase.
Oct 30, 16 at 9:00am
Who wants a six pack when you can bring a keg to the party? I should lose about 25-30lbs myself...
徐々に, I can understand that. I was reading about Rain's diet/workout for Ninja Assassin. While he only needed to gain a bit of muscle mass, the focus was more on getting his body fat level as low as possible. It was the usual diet of boiled chicken, brown rice, vegetables etc. Just a bit more extreme. Even seasoning or red meat was a rare luxury. Very bland and monotonous. "He forewent his rice and ate only skinless chicken breast, raw fish, potatoes and salad. He prepared the meal himself during off days. If he wanted spice, he would add some black pepper. Once in a while, he got to eat beef cooked in plain boiling water which he would have appreciated it very much as if he has won a lottery." as for his workout: “I trained for six hours a day for six months,” recalls Rain. “Five hours on martial arts and one hour on total body fitness. Their system is amazing. It’s not just about lifting weights and cutting out chocolate. It combines a re-growth diet and a lot of core strength building. It’s about the entire body, inside and out, not just single muscle building. It was hard, but it was incredibly rewarding."
@yasshat, I need to lose 20lbs of fat and gain 40lbs of muscle.
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