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Muscular fitness

Eggs are easier for me to fix than chicken. I might look into vegetable protein based meals too. I eat plenty of meat here but I actually would prefer to eat less meat. Almost every meal they fix is meat based.
Oct 30, 16 at 12:39am
For me that would be heaven, lol. I need high protein intakes, but yeah, cut back on the meat and try out some vegetables/fruits until you get to where you want to be weight wise, the meat based meals will help you out a ton when you're on top of your weight and exercise routine.
I miss being super skinny. At your age I was 116lbs with a 28in waist. I'm around a 32 or 33in waist now. Doesn't seem like much but it makes me feel fat, lol.
Oct 30, 16 at 12:45am
Ha, that's why I'm exercising ;) My grandpa lifts some crazy things and he's 74, so I'm trying to keep myself healthy to end up like that crazy old guy.
Oct 30, 16 at 12:46am
I was pretty much the same dimensions/weight about 2 years ago. You're also really well off, considering you don't exercise it seems like you've maintained yourself fairly well
Age itself isn't much of a barrier. Some people have health issues but if you maintain regular exercise as you get older you will stay fit a long time. Like this guy (or your grandpa): http://www.reckontalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/10-Most-Incredible-Badass-Old-Age-Bodybuilders-Over-60-70-Years-Old-3.jpg
Oct 30, 16 at 12:51am
Agreed, it's just best to start it before you never get the chance to.
I have genetics on my side to stay skinny. It would actually be hard work for me to get truly fat. Like not do any physical work at all and eat tons of junk food all day.
Oct 30, 16 at 12:53am
xD Yeah, I feel like we're the same there. Both sides of my family are skinny and one side is mostly asian. I almost have no body fat.
Notice that many older Asian people stay fit much longer than the average American. Better diet and all that Tai Chi and martial arts.
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