What are the most "unfair" reasons you've rejected people?

Voss @combatvoss
What are the most "unfair" reasons you've rejected people?
Voss @combatvoss
You have every right to reject someone for whatever reason you choose. It could be something superficial like their looks. It could be because you were dating someone or they gave you weird vibes. It could be just because they had a white shirt on a sunny day and it made your eyes hurt. They could have done everything right and been a great person but just picked the wrong time.
So what are some of the worst/most unreasonable reasons you've turned someone down?

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
commented on
What are the most "unfair" reasons you've rejected people?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
For me, it was probably turning someone down because I didn't think they were pretty. What people find physically appealing is completely up to personal taste of course but for me, while personality is incredibly important I do feel that I need to find the girl physically attractive at the same time if I want to date her. I never outright tell them that though because I know how emotionally damaging it is to tell a girl that she isn't pretty so I just simply say she isn't my type and apologise since I can't return her feelings. I'm sure some people will find that really shallow but oh well, that's just how I am.

Cero @cero
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What are the most "unfair" reasons you've rejected people?
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

reigami @reigami
commented on
What are the most "unfair" reasons you've rejected people?
reigami @reigami
Does because I'm an idiot and I didn't realize their intentions at the time count?

Juveh @juveh
commented on
What are the most "unfair" reasons you've rejected people?
Juveh @juveh
She didn't take care of herself

Illuminous @illuminous
commented on
What are the most "unfair" reasons you've rejected people?
Illuminous @illuminous
Because either a girl isn't physically cute or she didn't have long hair or she didn't have the personality I wanted. If I can get two out of the three I want then I'll be good. I really want a girl with long hair though!
Oh and also I didn't like this girl who liked me because she has two kids already.

ThoracicBloodbath @vivianoblivion
commented on
What are the most "unfair" reasons you've rejected people?
ThoracicBloodbath @vivianoblivion
Personal taste is not a judgement and can not be tested with approved standards of ethics or social normality so I don't think any of the above counts as "unfair".

neeto @neet_one
commented on
What are the most "unfair" reasons you've rejected people?
neeto @neet_one
All's fair in love and war.
I've rejected women for sleeping around too much, not being at all feminine, or being into some stuff I just can't get down with.
I wouldn't consider it unfair. They made their choices in life and they get to live with them, but there's no reason why I should have to. Unless it's something they were born with or was forced on them, then it might be unfair but most of the time it's a conflict of life style choices.

☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
commented on
What are the most "unfair" reasons you've rejected people?
☠BΣΉΣЯIƬ✴ @beherit
I rejected a girl simply because she suffered from seizures, she was actually fairly pretty though. But then I also found out later she was born from incest re-affirming my rejection after some second thoughts.

spiffy_pumpkin @spiffy_pumpkin
commented on
What are the most "unfair" reasons you've rejected people?
spiffy_pumpkin @spiffy_pumpkin
I will not date men who have children, I have been told by these same men that this is unfair and on account of my age I should lower my standards. I plan to stick to this standard though because even though I'm 28, I am still pretty sure there's a guy somewhere who will be happy to date me and doesn't have kids.
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