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I'm Stuck

Aug 10, 16 at 11:59pm
I kinda don't know anymore, like a few days ago, my bf broke up with me, because he fell out of love and missed his freedom (being on his own, family, friends.) He still cares about me, but he doesn't bother really ending it irl and thank my mom for everything, we sent each other's stuff back through packages as well. I think he's just ashamed of himself, since he said he really, really didn't want to hurt me and that he used to love me a heck of a lot. But of course it hurt me. I can't really eat anything because I keep getting the nausea feeling. I still love him so much, and there's not much distraction for me, I don't really feel like playing games. I usually feel lonely as well snd thought I should socialize more with people around my age and live near me (NL) but I don't know how to fo it. I'm starting college in august and will study programming, there might be people there, but I don't look forward to it, I lack motivation. What on earth shall I do? I miss him so much, and I can't get my mind of him.. (Sorry for being a bit whiney, it wasn't my meaning to)
Aug 11, 16 at 3:01am
I've actually been having the same problem lately, But I never dated her she was just a crush i had for awhile but it was weirdly a lot more than a crush to me, i cared for her more than i ever had before and i thought what i was feeling was really special, i stayed away from saying i loved her just to make my self feel better but that wasn't the case, I was able to tell her how i felt but of course she turned me down, we where really good friends for awhile until i told her that my feeling where just as strong now as they where back then, and told her that I didn't want to talk to her that much anymore because i didn't think it was healthy for me to have these feelings for someone that would never even think of me in that way, it hurt me a lot, it still does, I've stopped doing a lot of things and just was really sad for awhile and she was the only thing i thought about for awhile. but honestly i feel a lot better now. these kind of things just take time, its not easy but overtime you start to find ways to occupy your mind, and it starts to be normal to go through out your day, and you start to not think about as much.
neeto @neet_one commented on I'm Stuck
Aug 11, 16 at 4:40am
Unfortunately these things just happen. It sucks now but time heals all, and you'll eventually meet someone else so it's not like it's the end of the world.
Aug 11, 16 at 4:51am
@Neet Ah I get all of that but like in the evening or in the morning I get extremely vulnerable so i keep thinking of things and have no distraction and all and feel sick. I know it'll get better but I just need to know if there's a way to like treat it except for just time. @Ryan, sounds pretty painful, been through that too once got quickly over it for some reason. For me it's just that it hurts bad because of all the memories you have with them and you can't stop thinking about them
Yu @metaljester commented on I'm Stuck
Aug 11, 16 at 7:41am
Time is the best remedy but there's always diversions also not running away from it before you do anything else, give yourself some time just to let out all your emotions freely. Tell me are you a person that enjoys anything physical outside of your place? One of the ways to shift away from that pain whilst you get over it is to find new things you can do that you haven't done before something out of routine that will be less likely to bring up memories of doing it with your past partner. Finding people you can socialize with is always important after a break up even if it's only online. As for food and your nausea that's very normal most people tend not to feel hungry and nauseous when they eat. Your stomachs digestion process is slowed down due your nervous system being on the friz. I would really suggest getting yourself into a group if there are any in your area that's formed around any interest you have. College will be a good opportunity if you let it be directing your attention on something that's improving your skills will help build self esteem from being alone that and you are more likely to build connections being around a lot of people regardless of introversion or extroversion. Love is a fickle and constantly changing thing despite our notions and expectations for it to last forever it changes with the wind. What matters though is your choice to either go with the direction of the wind or fight against it.
Rain @rainx commented on I'm Stuck
Aug 11, 16 at 1:02pm
You're still pretty young and just got out of what I'm guessing was more or less a high school long distance relationship from reading your post. Frankly, with you starting your college career, I think you'll get over the break up pretty quickly. You're going to have a lot of opportunities to meet new people and now won't gave the ball and chain of a LDR to worry about if you meet someone knew. Embrace your new free agency and enjoy your first year at college. I'd bet the farm a year from now you'll probably look back on this and wonder why you got so worked up over the breakup.
Aug 11, 16 at 2:04pm
I'm a programmer by trade and if you find the right problems you can get totally lost in the world of solving it. I find that sticking some loud repetitive music on and just programming something fun can distract me enough to not think about the world. If you don't want to learn programming before going to college another thing I tried was learning a new language. You can easily see your making progress so it keeps you motivated and you can even get it on phone apps. When i had a spare moment I would get the phone out and spent 10 mins learning German. Also college will probably have a fair few people that feel a bit unsure at socialising too so you probably won't be as out of place as you feel you might be.
Aug 11, 16 at 3:37pm
I sort of know how you feel. If you ever need to talk to someone about it, I'm here to talk.
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