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shieksdee @shieksdee
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shieksdee @shieksdee
Hey! I'm an aspiring game designer/developer too. What sort of game are you making?

Kazuo @kazuomishima
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Kazuo @kazuomishima
Thank you for accepting me :) Is good to be in touch

retena1 @retena1
retena1 @retena1
1st time at a convention. I'm definitely going again and I'm already thinking of what I want to cosplay as.
Failing at Relationships

retena1 @retena1
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Failing at Relationships
retena1 @retena1
Definitely being yourself is best. But you do have to get yourself noticed before you get a chance. I've had some really good conversations with people in a queue because I smiled at them and said hi. Sometimes that's all it takes, be prepared to engage someone in conversation first and then once you have their attention the world is your oyster. Just be prepared that some people won't want to talk back and that's nothing against you.
Help pls?

retena1 @retena1
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Help pls?
retena1 @retena1
one of my friends had an LDR and they had a separate skype accounts that automatically answered incoming calls with video so whenever they wanted to they could see each other. it sounds kinda like a big commiitment to me but it worked for them dated 6 years LDR and then married.