what to do when you meet a creep?

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
what to do when you meet a creep?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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what to do when you meet a creep?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

mididii @mididii
commented on
what to do when you meet a creep?
mididii @mididii
on here it never happened before, but on others sites I got the rule for myself that I simply never react to them, Worst you can do, in my opinion ^-^

Usagi @sailor_nyoom
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what to do when you meet a creep?
Usagi @sailor_nyoom
I kinda just panic and delete my account?!

neeto @neet_one
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what to do when you meet a creep?
neeto @neet_one
Did the admin here finally hire on a mod?
Well better late than never I guess.

lmaooooooo @imjustnormalguy
commented on
what to do when you meet a creep?
lmaooooooo @imjustnormalguy
just dont hate each other and have fun here!

Gudmoore @gudmoore
commented on
what to do when you meet a creep?
Gudmoore @gudmoore
Just avoid, avoid, avoid.
If they continue, report them. A few times some were even called out over the forums. We tend to take care of our own here, even if we don't always see eye to eye.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
what to do when you meet a creep?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Thanks, Daggerfall. I recognize its not as bad of a problem here as on other sites, but it still bothers me when people creep on others to the point where they leave the site. I've worked security at an anime con, and I kinda see this as the online version of a con. People come here to make friends, have fun, maybe find someone to hook up with or date, and BAM! There's that creepy guy named Chuck who won't stop following them around, breathing heavily, with a shifty stare. Seriously guys. Stop being like Chuck. Nothing turns girls off quite like being stalked by people like Chuck. Its science! You're doing it wrong! Nobody has fun that way! (No offense to anyone who is actually named that. Chuck is just a stock name.)

Illuminous @illuminous
commented on
what to do when you meet a creep?
Illuminous @illuminous
It would stop altogether if more people understood how human behavior worked. Put simply, If people felt connected they wouldn't be doing those bad things in the first place. If they don't have friends/happiness in real life or feel connected in real life they try to get connected by doing What you call "creepy" things. I would say don't resist a creep but try to change him/her (granted it's mostly guys) to be a friend. Like the situation with Gaara and Naruto. Yes Anime is completely different then real life. And females are more scared by males but if people in general feel connected in real life their values tend to change for the better for some reason from what I've seen! It's something I can't explain fully at the moment, look up Teal Swan on youtube, she can explain this whole thing way better then me. And I believe her to a great degree!

Came to read messages of o @ryachi96
commented on
what to do when you meet a creep?
Came to read messages of o @ryachi96
Slay them, and by that report and block xD not as cool tho :(
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