Personality types
neeto @neet_one
Personality types
neeto @neet_one
What's your personality type?
I've gotten INTJ-a on the 16, and RCOEI on the global5
mariahaise @mariahaise
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Personality types
mariahaise @mariahaise
Same, Neet. I've got a INTJ-A personality and RCOEI according to the global 5.
leeks @leeks
commented on
Personality types
leeks @leeks
INFJ-T and RLOEI apparently
Edit: reading about RLOEI, it sounds so unpleasant :| "withdrawn, loner, moody, dislikes crowds, avoidant, not big on fun, socially unskilled, not that interested in others, overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings frequently, depressed, requires lots of time alone to recharge, socially awkward, hard to get to know, feels defective"
BurningHalo @burninghalo
commented on
Personality types
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Link to my thread on this if you wanted to see more.
I'm an ENT-J myself
dandaman @dantheman06
commented on
Personality types
dandaman @dantheman06
INFJ "ADvocate"
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