Anime that you feel gets less attention than it should.

BiscuitSlash @biscuitslash
Anime that you feel gets less attention than it should.
BiscuitSlash @biscuitslash
There's the popular and widely seen anime, like Death Note, Naruto, Dragonball Z, etc.
Any you feel gets way less attention than it should? There's a few I've seen which I love yet isn't too widely known. I figured most others feel the same way.
Polar Bear's Cafe (or Shirokuma Cafe) is a good example of that. It's a great anime, and I don't see it mentioned or talked about much.
Squid Girl and Gugure! Kokkuri-san are similar in this regard. They are some of my favourites though so I guess it's not surprising that I'd think that.

robicho @robicho
commented on
Anime that you feel gets less attention than it should.
robicho @robicho
No Game No Life, Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui, Skip Beat!, Megami Kouhosei, and other series that require a season two, three, etc.

Astro @key_chan
commented on
Anime that you feel gets less attention than it should.
Astro @key_chan
Mononoke (not the ghibli movie), Katanagatari, shinsekai yori, and noien are all wonderful one shot anime. Beautifully animated and A+++ art with really interesting stories. I think the only one that kinda lags behind is Katanagatari cuz its wordy and it has problems with pacing.

capcharisma @capcharisma
commented on
Anime that you feel gets less attention than it should.
capcharisma @capcharisma
Panty and Stocking, Uchouten Kazoku, Hibike! Euphonium, Tonari no Seki-Kun, Lovely Complex, Air Gear, Eyeshield 21, Himouto! Umaru-chan and Wakaba Girl. Those are off the top of my head, there's probably a bunch more I'd name that I really enjoyed.

GrievousAvaricious @xillia
commented on
Anime that you feel gets less attention than it should.
GrievousAvaricious @xillia
Monster gets no love and often at times thrown away.

otaku\(^~^)/ @otaku2001
commented on
Anime that you feel gets less attention than it should.
otaku\(^~^)/ @otaku2001
I've got two and that's chivalry of a failed knight and acchi kocchi

shawnji @shawnji
commented on
Anime that you feel gets less attention than it should.
shawnji @shawnji
Xillia stole my answer. Love that show.
By the same token, Naoki Urasawa's other work, Master Keaton, is criminally obscure.
I'd also be willing to bet almost no one here has heard of The Twelve Kingdoms.
Boogiepop Phantom is another one. If you dig creepy horror stuff you should totally give it a watch.
EDIT: I'm adding Video Girl Ai and Please Save My Earth to this list too. PSME in particular is an excellent OVA.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
Anime that you feel gets less attention than it should.
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Onsen Yōsei Hakone-chan
Very funny/cute Anime about a ancient hot spring spirit that looks like a little girl and a guy that found her. That guy, the girl he likes,the hot spring spirit, and some friends have little adventures. Very good but the only downside is that this Anime is short. 13 episodes each like 10-12 minutes if I remember correctly. 10/10

arcaduck101 @arcaduck101
commented on
Anime that you feel gets less attention than it should.
arcaduck101 @arcaduck101
Psycho Pass is amazing but, I don't know many people who have see. It

shawnji @shawnji
commented on
Anime that you feel gets less attention than it should.
shawnji @shawnji
Really? I thought it was pretty popular. All I know about it is that the writer is the same guy behind Madoka Magica, so that alone is enough to make me want to watch it.
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