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I Need Help

Jun 05, 16 at 10:33pm
Well I completely missed the whole "dating" scene so I have no idea what the heck I'm doing. Now I have a crush on this girl I've known for a long time, but we haven't talked much and things are kind of complicated... Help? 0___O
Jun 05, 16 at 10:47pm
Just give it to her straight
More explanation please? 030
Jun 05, 16 at 11:26pm
Well we've known each other for so long but it was more like I was friends with her brother. For the last few years we haven't talked much, it seems we both became more quiet people. I had recently seen her and that's when I just really felt the urge to talk to her. We sort of reacquainted ourselves and before too long I realized I was pretty interested in her. We started texting but I'm worried she might see me as who I was years ago. And I don't think I can just tell her, I know I get infatuated easily and it feels far too soon. And I am the worst when it comes to waiting for replies... X__X
Hmm... It sounds complicated. ;:3 My only advice is patient, understanding, loyalty, and time. You might have to play the friend role for a bit. Don't take things too fast or too slow. :D Also, don't get you hope or pride ahead of yourself, just in case things don't work out. Instead, keep your options open. ^u^ I hope that this was helpful enough. \(^w^)/
Jun 06, 16 at 12:41am
I would say to get to know her better, and don't assume she's looking at your past self. She might want to get to know you again and the new you. Don't rush things, just enjoy getting to know her, and with due time let her know how you feel. Good luck! fighting~ ✿lotus
Jun 06, 16 at 3:04pm
Thank you, everyone! I suppose if new things develop I might keep you updated. For now, I just have to wait for her reply and get to know her better...
Jun 11, 16 at 5:54pm
Dont focus to much on this girl. It fallows the "Dont put all of your eggs in one basket" the reason why you would want to do this is because there is a chance she isnt into you and you could get rejected. This way it feels like more of a 5 foot drop than a 10 story fall. Also just talk to her and make sure you make her laugh. Dont text too much, if you want to see her then just set something up. If you arent confident enough to ask her out on a date then suggest a hanging out. This is a much better way to gauge her level of attraction towards you than through Texts.
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