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Double Standards: Sexism and Feminism

We may not sport a wakened cobra... but, erect nipples in public, anyone? It's like having bullseyes on your jugs.
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Is that a problem for big boobs because I never understood how nipples can be seen through the bra. XD
I understand how nips can be seen. ;) Also, on the period note. Not that it's always the best option, but some birth controls can certainly limit and or stop your periods for a time. It's not always a guarantee, but it can certainly help some.
@maria they get like super hard i guess XD it just pokes through the bra
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Oh where to start @Mango the wage gap has been proven multiple times a myth in the western world especially in the US in part because of this: http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/civil-rights-act/ read it carefully. Much of the sources you are citing are political think tanks that make money cherry picking and selling flawed studies to fuel their confirmation bias to justify their existence. There is a earnings gap not a wage gap, there is a difference. There are many reasons for this that have been well covered by others in this thread. Institutionalized sexism is a minority of them now in the modern western world but still very strong in developing nations, absolutely. There are certainly double standards still alive and well and women and men both have them in various forms. I hear the phrase man-up used almost endlessly but who says woman-up? Almost no one because they would be burned at the stake. Few men celebrate other men that sleep around, we just don't air our laundry in the public sphere as much and will just ignore it or internalize the resentment with a smile and nod. Be it man or woman science has shown you can desensitize yourself to biological pair-bonding by over stimulation and it leaves little left to explore with 'the one'. Science also found another fun fact about women who have unprotected sex, abortions, or babies from other men, the DNA for former lovers+offspring is left as remnants found in her blood even years later, possibly forever. They think this may be why in some rare cases babies are born that hardly resemble the parents because this trace DNA adds a variance to the mix. It was found on accident and they are still working out the how and why. Too many ingredients do spoil the stew perhaps. The woman who wrote this gets it: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/03/18/this-study-will-make-you-think-twice-about-who-you-are-getting-into-bed-with/ That slut shaming double standard kind of makes sense evolutionary if true. Men can never be 100% certain without a DNA test or a strong resemblance that a child is his where a woman always does because it grew from her body. I don't like the slut shaming thing either. It's whores I do not like and I do not mean prostitutes whom are honest with their transactions at the least. Men have as many social/beauty standards as women, we just do not care as much which is why economics heavily sexualizes women because one sex sells and two women line up endlessly to buy/consume those products which is an indirect form of consent. If you want it to change boycotts and social backlash is effective in capitalist countries. Vote with your dollar. Self image issues are bad for everyone. I have always even when I was a student thought kids should wear uniforms in school. It teaches responsibility and softens economic class bias. Science proves women fuck men up. Their presence alone lowers our IQ and seeing someone sexual enticing causes a hormone release that disconnects us from our reasoning centers similar to a few beers with seconds of the encounter. Yes men need to learn self control as the most limiting factors are his imagination and willpower to makes those dreams reality. If women want more empathy a little reciprocation would not hurt. It is especially bad for young men as when puberty hits his sex drive gets maxed out and fades over time where women only come close around 30-35 if ever. Men and women both experience biological functions that are hard to understand because we don't have them. Conceptualizing and empathy is as close as it can get for now. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-interacting-with-woman-leave-man-cognitively-impaired/ A man is certainly vulnerable to women's tears of sadness as it was a defense mechanism most likely in more barbaric ancient times. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-good-life/201101/tears-and-testosterone When Dove did its natural beauty campaign the discovered in research women on Twitter 80% of the time were beauty shamed by other women, not men, shocking... As for reproductive rights I do not think the government should have a say over anyone's body but when tax dollars are being spent everyone who pays in has a say like it or not. Men have no reproductive rights and little reliable birth control; abstinence, vasectomy, condoms while women have a dozen which are not great but more options at least. If the latter two fail for a man we are held responsible regardless. A woman is allowed to abandon their baby at a fire station if they can't care for it and legally off the hook where a man would go to jail for abandonment. Men are told to man up and pay and the state will garnish our wages or imprison us for child support if we don't. Feminism happened for a reason, it was needed. However it is not as relevant in the modern western world and has changed into a platform not for equal rights like they endlessly parrot but equal outcomes ex. wage gap myth. There is no patriarchy or room full of old white rich men with monocles and cigars with nothing to do with their day than plan how to oppress women. If they did exist men like me would have destroyed them already so we could stop hearing fembots whine about it endlessly. I was quite the SJW with coaxing by my feminist GF in college until the misandry I had to endure for my gender became unbearable. I have defended women from abusive men risking my life and have the scars to prove it. I do not do as much anymore as getting stabbed/shot at is not fun or rewarding as I found out. Once upon a time I hated men more than any feminist could dream. Dad gone by 5 because he could not keep it in his pants, mom was a old school feminist literally from the 1950s, the church did not help matters either. I remember in the 6th grade us boys being hauled into a class to watch a movie when child counseling was a school experiment in the 1980s. We watched a film by the nation organization of women telling us men because of our gender we were predisposed to abusing and raping women because of a Y chromosome, I barely even knew what sexual intercourse was yet but between them and the church I was certain men were evil and needed to be destroyed too. If a GF cheated it was usually with one of those bad men they bitched about but still seemed to want endlessly. Once I lived on my own I learned how the world really works and its been great since. My mom was a classical feminist but will never claim so today as what she says about modern feminists would make a pirate blush. She joined the Women's Air Force in the mid 1950 when it was segregated by gender. She worked in the base legal office and learned to work the system and advocated for women to get more opportunities by using the system against itself instead of burning bras and spitting in men's faces for petty revenge. She fought for the chance to prove herself and did. Within a decade the Air Force led the way to integrate genders in the military and started opening up more positions. Here we are 2016 the first military woman to be promoted to general came from where, the Air Force. Thanks mom you rock. mango your OP is exactly why feminists are becoming a dirty word "(I know it affects men too but that's not what were talking about right now)" or similar was used more than once. Feminism by name is female focused. They always tell the men that do support them to shut up and sit down and their problems will be addressed after women's are fixed. That will never happen and more and more are realizing it which is why you have things like 'herbivore' men in Japan and int he west 'the sexodus'. So when men started leaving women alone now they are oppressing them via neglect; can't win either way. If you like equality as I do perhaps egalitarianism would be a better choice. Where were the feminists when in the UK judges were ordered to give lighter sentences for women than men for the same crimes? Why are women the default child custody choice since feminists pushed for the no-fault divorce? Why when women get more degrees than men now and have employment opportunities still needing alimony even without children and were the one who initiated the divorce? I am for equal rights, opportunities, but also equal responsibility. Anyone who throws out the 'but I am a girl' line is actually implying their inferiority without realizing it. Equality is good but it should not be conflated with if something is not equal one must be superior and that is part of the problem I think. Men and women are just different. Much of the battle of the sexes is inflamed because many men and women assume the other gender experiences reality the same way. We are cut from the same cloth as the animal kingdom. we have the same senses, but science has shown we process and interpret those senses differently. A feminist psychologist who was on the American board of Psychiatry wrote a interesting pair of books talking about these differences. The Male Brain and The Female Brain which covers some of these issues. http://www.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/03/23/brizendine.male.brain/index.html SJWs will never succeed into socializing away natures biology. 2016 is going to see feminism take some hard hits as they have overplayed their hand. Power is a pendulum and it's about to swing back even other feminists are starting to rethink their positions. Here is a great film coming at the end of the year. I do not like MRAs as most are as rediculous as rad-fems but I find it curious a female feminist filmmaker now gets death threats from other women associated to the national organization of women for making this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK7n_XA40V8 And by the way it is not circus being a man either as this lesbian who pretended to be a man found out the hard way and acknowledged female privilege exists too; ABC story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip7kP_dd6LU That will take some time to digest.........
I've seem to have lost my interest in the subject since it's been diluted into something else haha. I really wish I had the motivation to satisfyingly respond to your post @Darku. It's really informative but I'm just so lazy now
@DarkuSchneider https://38.media.tumblr.com/c26b20d3523d58572c00a59fabfc6650/tumblr_mtzmeqC16Z1qcga5ro1_500.gif
Well...with exception to a few things. Such as the slut shaming double standard. I do not agree there but in general bravo
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