
nalyd1997 @nalyd1997
nalyd1997 @nalyd1997
What are the hearts for? How do you earn them. And how many do you all have? I have 161 at the time of me posting this.

♡ A-Mei-Zing ♡ @assam
commented on
♡ A-Mei-Zing ♡ @assam
They are for a feature which hasn't been introduced yet. click the heart next to its counter to see more information (no date has been announced yet)
I think you earn them by viewing threads, posting, viewing your matches and adding / messaging people.
so far i got 878 but some people are already well above 5000 i believe

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Does it spend hearts when you like a person's comment here in the forum? Even then I wouldn't know what that would accomplish. I think they also effect if you appear as "Featured Otaku" on the Newest member page.

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Animekid @animekid
I thought about that before but no I don't think you lose hearts.

nalyd1997 @nalyd1997
commented on
nalyd1997 @nalyd1997
If you read about the hearts it says you can occasionally lose them.

JJMcSpanky @jjmcspanky23
commented on
JJMcSpanky @jjmcspanky23
It says they are fragile and can be lost. I've had mine go down once but that might just be internet lag.
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