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User Name help

I need advice... I am on a certain dating site, and thinking about a User Name which will attract positive attention. I did research and found what basically constitutes an effective name - something creative, perhaps a play on words like "MikeInShiningArmor" or "OnceUponATom" I have the name of Joseph. I can't think of any cool names, so I am asking the public (especially ladies) to judge what ladies would find attractive (because who better to ask about what a gal likes than... a gal?)
Do a cutesy name and put a cute pic to go along with it. Nothing serious or weird looking
They see the cute name and pic and think the person must be cute
May 30, 16 at 9:37pm
The ones I was considering are: "J-Sizzle" or "Joe_Cool" or "Joe_Gamer" Note: I hate even the smell of coffee, so something like CuppaJoe will not suit me. If you can, please share your thoughts on one of the above three, or if you have an even better one, run it by me!
May 30, 16 at 9:39pm
Panda you type quick... What is a cute pic? Hmmm I think I will PM you...
May 30, 16 at 9:53pm
I used to play the part of an adventure on a quest. You'd be surprised how many just want adventure.;) Also, nothing with innuendos. Just be you. I got tons of responses/numbers, but meeting up is the goal. I tended to get bored and just message random things, which surprisingly got the most and best responses. Sadly, way to many dicks ruin it and make a good chunk of the women super flakey and weary(Not that I blame them.). Edit: I just saw your name choices... No. Just no. J-sizzle (egotistical sounding and way to close to jizz). Joe_cool(are you toxic?). Joe_gamer(Is gaming all you do or are you implying that you're a player?).
May 30, 16 at 10:09pm
Joe cool is an idea I got from Snoopy. Do poisonous beings have such a name? I am utterly confused how this is toxic. J-Sizzle I admit is so not me, but I am trying for some confidence because I hear girls like that.. I love video games! Along with anime but I have no way of incorporating anime into a name or verb...
May 30, 16 at 10:19pm
My tired mind saw and thought joe camel as I typed that out...XD Also, it's not that complicated. Why not use your name from here? It's a conversation starter for those who don't know and it helps those who do know, that you're into anime.
May 30, 16 at 10:25pm
ImJoe_stTheOne AllJoeEverDreamedOf Joe_stTheGuy4You TheJoe_nlyOne4You (I'm trying to think of silly puns, but they all suck, sorry)
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