Name a time you accidentally did something cool
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Name a time you accidentally did something cool
BurningHalo @burninghalo
I swear I meant to do that
We all had those moments at least once where we did something impressive by accident. I wanna hear those stories.
For example when I was 15 I was really into practicing throwing knives. So while I was in the garage tossing knives against the targets propped against the wall my brother comes in and calls my name and I turned around but still threw the knife. My brother stops and tells me that looked cool and I turn to see the knife plunged directly in the center of the target. And I felt like a badass. So yeah stuff like that. That was one of my stories, tell me one of yours!
115 @siruboo
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Name a time you accidentally did something cool
115 @siruboo
i fell asleep while drivind and i hit a fast food place then i woke up stoll some burgers then backed out the place and drove off
Arc @arc
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Name a time you accidentally did something cool
Arc @arc
I was playing Battlefield 2142 online and I popped into the enemy dropship. I was all alone but I jut went in Rambo style. I ended up single-handedly killing the entire enemy team of 24 people, barely making it out alive. I ended up getting kicked for hacking. I totally wasn't expecting to do so well.
Another game I was in mechwarrior online. I was piloting the tinyest mech in the game to troll some people. I was the last one left on my team with 4 enemies left. I used gurilla warefare to take out 3 mechs that were filtering in one by one but I got my leg shot off. I ended up dueling with the heaviest mech in the game but I hugged his legs so tight he kept missing. After 10 minutes of fighting I had won the game for my team. People were freaking out in the comments, and I was in such a cold sweat from that game XD
commented on
Name a time you accidentally did something cool
Was drunk af one time and got uber mad over something really dumb that I dun remember anymore, so I went and snapped a steel sign in half with my bare hands. Still have no idea how I did that to this day, since I barely even have the strength to lift anything impressive.
GranTurismoT @granturismot
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Name a time you accidentally did something cool
GranTurismoT @granturismot
In Battlefield 4 I do this by shooting Heli's out of the sky with RPG's... all the time. Also enjoy it when I shoot the pilot out of the seat with a sniper. Good stuff.
Rainy @rain_anna_hall
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Name a time you accidentally did something cool
Rainy @rain_anna_hall
Went for a suicide run in school dodge ball, crouched down to pick up some balls in the middle, big bulky 8th grader throws a ball at 7th grade me, gets stuck between my legs, class freaks out cheering for me. Best day ever XD
Ed~ @yamadaed
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Name a time you accidentally did something cool
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.
Rainy @rain_anna_hall
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Name a time you accidentally did something cool
Rainy @rain_anna_hall
Ed, there would be an ed sized hole in our hearts if you didn't. Or maybe we would just keep fetus you as the mascot of the site to fill the emptiness... But i'm just imagining baby you jumping out wearing glasses and being like "Not today"
xynox @xynox
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Name a time you accidentally did something cool
xynox @xynox
I'm not even cool when I try to.
hans_von_hengleford @hans_von_hengleford
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Name a time you accidentally did something cool
hans_von_hengleford @hans_von_hengleford
That one time during lunch at college where I won against my colleagues in a game of Super Smash Bros ^_^
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