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トラナリ ラハ ノニモラミラト/ Soul of kimono's

Konichiwa everyone i hope to fit in on this cool Otaku site for finding friend's and Dating to.^^ I really hope i can find friend's on here who like's kimono's and cosplay me and my friend's are the only one's who like's them this day's. カクチミノ ンラナ/ Thank you have a great day's.^^https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=241127692911736&set=a.100871020270738.1073741827.100010435200847&type=3 I really hope we can be friend's on my Facebook page to.^^
Welcome to MO :3 https://m.popkey.co/ae9bfa/zJqd8.gif
かくちみの んらな ちととちも/ Thank you Assam.^^https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d0/08/99/d00899b1a986ecd84187aac1e924baa6.jpg
Welcome to the site.
Hakuoki! Saito is bae
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