What's your secret Fetish?
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
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What's your secret Fetish?
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
Imouto practice...
≧ ManamI ≦ @mamani_nnnn
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What's your secret Fetish?
≧ ManamI ≦ @mamani_nnnn
Why waste your time finding other girl when you already have a cutie girl in the house. Yeah, best logic. (*^▽^)/★*☆♪
BiscuitSlash @biscuitslash
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What's your secret Fetish?
BiscuitSlash @biscuitslash
Is it normal to think that I don't have any fetishes?
There are some people I'm more attracted to, such as non-skinny girls and girls that accessorize and/or dye their hair, but I don't see them fetishes.
Maybe I do have a few and they're a secret even to me? Would explain why I seem like an exception to the whole fetish thing.
mariahaise @mariahaise
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What's your secret Fetish?
mariahaise @mariahaise
This is for all the horny ppl out there.
≧ ManamI ≦ @mamani_nnnn
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What's your secret Fetish?
≧ ManamI ≦ @mamani_nnnn
Hellblithe @hellblithe
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What's your secret Fetish?
Hellblithe @hellblithe
Guys crossdressing/wearing maids outfits and stuff <3 :3
mariahaise @mariahaise
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What's your secret Fetish?
mariahaise @mariahaise
pls find pictures.
0megablaster @omegablaster
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What's your secret Fetish?
0megablaster @omegablaster
I always wanted my own Harem. Mostly because I'm not as dense as the protagonists we've seen x3 It would be a dream come true xD
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
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What's your secret Fetish?
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
@Brynhildr, sure why not. I actually didn't grow up with my imouto. I visited a couple times and she was a total tease. Wanting to wrestle me on the bed wearing nothing but panties and a shirt. (she was 12 and I was 15). She was a skinny blonde cheerleader btw. We always slept in the same bed when I visited. One time she rolled over on to my upturned hand and it was totally on her ass.
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
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What's your secret Fetish?
Koyomi Araragi @loli_vampire
@Hellblithe, I crossdressed a few times. I love short skirts and belly shirts and thigh highs.
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