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How to express

K so i'm seriously looking for a relationship which is a nice long term goal and all...But its been so long since I've tried to be in one. I literally cant recall the process at all. I mean there are some people i show interest in but i have no idea how to go through with that. I mean for years I've pretty much done the whole loner thing while not even paying attention. Now it all seems foreign to me. I have no idea how to approach someone in an attempt to get to really know them or even go further with them.
May 18, 16 at 7:13pm
Be confident and reserved, saying "Hi" is cool and all but opening it up with a question and conversation topic ready is really the key to getting things going. Example "Hey, I'm ______, I noticed you were into _______ and _____, I'm interested in that/I'm not familiar with that can you tell me about?" obviously its situational and its needs to be worded more naturally than that but you get my drift. Asking about an anime or types of anime is obvious conversation topic Don't be too strong, don't be too self deprecating and for the love of god don't be a fedora toting 'm'lady' white knight. You want to come off as interested and sincere while simultaneously being interesting yourself and not creepy, desperate and shallow. If you don't have a common interest, well then you probably aren't meant to be and should move on; but on the chance you feel like you're meant to be, then create a common interest. Go do some research and pick up somethings on a common topic doesn't have to be much and try learn what you can. My point is put in the effort. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't be you because you really should, just have to present yourself well; its first impressions right you don't go and try to woo someone with bed hair and sloppy tracksuit, right? Anyway, i hope I didn't come off as kind off a dick, I'm never really decisive with my advice, just giving you an insight to how I approach conversations/Intros. I hope I helped in someway.
Arc @arc commented on How to express
May 18, 16 at 9:41pm
People who actively seek a relationship are often the ones that have the hardest time finding one. I suggest developing some hobbies that allow you to interact with others. Something where you have to work together with someone else. You have to get into the mindset that you don't need women in order to be happy. I think before pursuing a long term relationship you have to start by increasing your friend base. Women can smell loneliness, and it just repulses them. If you can get enough platonic relationships going where you can get rid of that, you will be on your way.
I feel like irony is ringing loud as day with that last comment.
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