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I personally find myself slightly attracted more towards bigger dudes when it comes to actual dating.
Personally I've dated both types of guys. Some were extra fluffy and great for cuddles. While others were small. Honestly I see a person's personality before anything because that's what I'm attracted to when one's personality is a good one that is. Weight can always change. I am a big girl however I was once skinny. I have a hormonal issue which causes me to gain. But I'm currently losing weight and doing something about it because I personally want to. I like the fluffy guys ^.^ good for cuddles usually sweet too.
It could probably blamed to evolution lol. People look for someone who can better protect and take care of them. Don't know if it's true, just made it up. Oh also I'm a chubby :P
Rain @rainx commented on FATTIES
Jun 01, 16 at 11:25pm
I have one rule when it comes to weight. A girl can't weigh much more than I do. I'm 5'8 and 175. I've seen plenty of cute and attractive girls who weigh more than 150. I don't need to date a twig and I actually prefer a girl who is on the thicker side. Obviously height and other things play a factor in weight. Once you start heading north of 200 lbs on a lot of women, it's just not very desirable imo and it's hard to be in a relationship with someone you're not attracted to.
For me there are two issues that can be a problem above a certain weight, depending on the girl. Activity level and hygiene. I like to be able to do physical things like long walks and such. If a girl has back or knee pains because of their weight, it's not as much fun because they can't do lots of stuff with me. After a certain point, hygiene can become challenging. I prefer not much over 250lbs because that's where they start to have mobility problems being very active. Sex can also sometimes become challenging depending on their body shape. I'm pretty flexible though as far as weight relates to attractiveness. I have a high sex drive too and don't mind a big booty if you like doggy style.
Jun 02, 16 at 12:03am
Hahahaha. Wtf. It's not for me, but shout out to all the big girl grinders.
Part of it is genetics too, I myself am Native American and Spanish. I've had boobs and hips since I was 10, I was a cheerleader and a soccer player growing up. No matter how hard I exercised or how much I watched what I was eating, the boobs and butt stayed put. I'm completely healthy, just a bit chubby XD
Personally I only like guys on the smaller side. Just a little taller than me and not too much heavier than me. Being a very small girl, I sometimes get nervous around people who are a lot bigger than me. Especially if you end up fighting with your significant other, than I definitely don't want them to be like twice my size or something. I think at the end of the day most people just prefer to date someone who is physically similar to themselves.
Jun 10, 16 at 3:05am
Opening Post: Because I'm a healthy human male, and I have a right to assess the genes and traits of potential mates. That is not shallow, and I do not apologize for what I'm attracted and not attracted to. Alright, that out of the way, I really do want to stress that I absolutely hate how society practically dehumanizes heavy set people, as it predisposes many of us toward lower self worth, and a lower place in society.
shawnji @shawnji commented on FATTIES
Jun 10, 16 at 1:55pm
@TraumaticSherry..。.:*☆ Well hello there. *winks* I'm kinda' chubby, but I lost a lot of weight recently. I'm also trying to work out a bit more. Down to less than 210 now (I was nearly 250 at one point, and around 240 in the picture at left), but I still have a way to go to get back to around 170-180 (see the other picture on my profile from when I was in college). I'll definitely confess to not being attracted to really heavy-set women, but it's nothing against them personally. It's all just biology. If one person can't find you attractive, that's not a reflection of your attractiveness to everyone in the world. I'm sure a lot of women don't like hairy guys, but my hair grows so fast I can't really do much about it unless I pay for expensive electrolysis; but I like the way I am, and some women out there like me this way too. Just be comfortable in your own skin.
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