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So I apparently attracted an unlikely crush

I'm typically the shy "nice guy" if you know what I mean who likes games/anime/manga. Part of it is my nerdy nature which makes me not want to get too close to people and part of it is just my natural personality to be kind to everybody. At work there's this girl who has a lot of opposite personality traits such as liking rap, partying, getting high, and generally being very brutally honest and downright mean sometimes. I've always gotten along with her and listen to her but I usually never act interested. Recently she's been talking to me extra recently, helped me out with small tasks/cleaning, heavily hinted at having lunch/breaks with me, and straight up asked me to walk with her to her car (which I said yes too reluctantly). I admit that she is very pretty but I feel so awkward. If I asked her out then it'd be a waste of time because we don't match. Similar instances like this have happened in the past but just not recently. *sigh* I know this little paragraph I wrote may have seemed like a waste of time or even pathetic but I guess I had to tell somebody.
If u don't like her just say no, or thanks for liking me but I don't see you that way type of dealio.
True. I kinda regret not saying anything. I guess I thought she'd "get" that I wasn't interested but apparently not.
I understand how you feel bro Sometimes I've attracted some pretty aggressive or polar opposite tigers. Honestly you just got to say no. Since you're shy and nice try to hint to her that you don't like like her (like hard). I can never say no but those type of girls usually lose interest and go like another guy (wipes sweat in relief). That was pretty hypocritical of myself to say XD you could also do what I do if you don't mind being uncomfortable for a bit^.^
yeah man dont lead her on, it wastes not only your time but hers as well. time wasted dating you knowing in your mind it wont work could have been time she could have spent looking for a guy that might be for her. dont be tempted by looks and how she acts in the end if she really likes you, becoming anything more will increase those feelings and you will end up hurting her in the end so yeah just break it to her gently
I never assume people will understand subtle hints because they never do. That whole adage about assuming making asses and all. But ultimately what's obvious to me might not be obvious to another. So whenever I get into that situation I just come straight out and ask, "Hey, not to make this weird, but I'm feeling a vibe. Is there a vibe?" Just don't make a big deal outta it and it should be fine.
If its fear holding you back i say give it a try, life is too short for second guesses sometimes its best to follow the flow and see were it takes you. However if you have a concrete and though out objection to this then its best to let the young lady down nicely but directly. Courtesy like that goes a long way
I'm with Rielblue on this one. If you can't come up with another argument than that you're different, you could try a date. Maybe it works out, maybe not. Voice your thoughts in front, though so as not to lead her on. Maybe opposites actually do attract and maybe she's just a friend. I'd be curious to find out, but if you feel like that's something you really shouldn't do, just tell her
IMO, get to know her a little more. She might only be portraying the party girl. I'm not saying jump at a relationship. but you might have more in common with her than you realize.
Ye, I think everyone hit the right notes here. ~T
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