Fav Anime????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

animeluver33 @animeluver33
Fav Anime????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
animeluver33 @animeluver33
mine is cory in da house lolz

gilgilgil @gilgilgil
commented on
Fav Anime????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
gilgilgil @gilgilgil
That's So Raven ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

ai_astin @ai_astin
commented on
Fav Anime????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
ai_astin @ai_astin
Sunday Without God :)

duck @jullyann
commented on
Fav Anime????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
duck @jullyann
Nice one
mine is power rangers

freddeadxo @freddeadxo
commented on
Fav Anime????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
freddeadxo @freddeadxo
King of the hill is the best anime ever. so buy propane and propane accesories

xairadarkcat @xairadarkcat
commented on
Fav Anime????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
xairadarkcat @xairadarkcat
for me depence on genre
triller : death note / monster
romance: diabolik lovers
sci fi : psycho pass
horror : blood+
survival :kaiji
mecha: code geass
action : k project
etc etc :)

commented on
Fav Anime????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Yumekui Merry, One Piece, Hunter x Hunter, and Hellsing Ultimate
Lemme listen to this in Google Translate though: "Fav Anime....question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark...question mark..." UGHHHH!!! *throws headphones out of the window*

Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
commented on
Fav Anime????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
This account has been suspended.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Fav Anime????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
my fav animu is drake and josh

Vindal @soulstealer
commented on
Fav Anime????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Vindal @soulstealer
For me, my favorite anime is Cory in the house.
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