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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
Hey man. I'm pretty good. Chillin with a friend watching the Ricky & Morty cartoon version of S.O. Georgia vs Denver Allen courtroom transcript.

yaasshat @yaasshat Had to comment. That transcript was awesome and so fitting for the characters.

fatzilla @jineko
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fatzilla @jineko
Shiki was nice I'll rate it maybe 7/10. Gore and mystery is kinda my thing XD Plus the best part about Shiki is the later eps. :D Just checked the previous sales of blizz during blackfriday. Whoa the cut is huge. Probably gonna wait til then ;w; Might get overwatch too.
:O Wow you seem to have a lot of classes :O I just have been just a priest since WOTLK so I dunno about other classes. I'm gonna try making a monk soon though. I haven't tried living life as a tank. XD

fatzilla @jineko
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fatzilla @jineko
Yes I'm watching shokugeki no soma S2 but it kinda sucks cause I've read the manga and they omitted lots of stuff. I've seen your lie in april. Didn't hit me right in the kokoro though. It was hmmkay. XD
Damn that pre-patch D: Shadow priests don't have flash heals anymore TwT booohooo. Is it just me or did they nerf the dungeons? on a slightly irrelevant note, you think they'll put up legion on sale this year's black friday?
HIYO hehe ^W^

Vindal @soulstealer
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HIYO hehe ^W^
Vindal @soulstealer
Hey and welcome to MO!

Vindal @soulstealer
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Vindal @soulstealer
Hurro hurro!