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Relationship Newbie Seeking Advice

All, I haven't seriously talked with anyone about my relationships (or amazing lack thereof) until this point but since I've join this site I feel like I have to share a few things about myself before moving forward. I have be honest and say on the onset that I have never been in a serious relationship. I mean sure there were a few girls that could qualify as "flirtation", but really they went nowhere and were very awkward and wishy-washy. I was also extremely ostracized and bullied from the time I was 8 until I was 17 and university wasn't a walk in the park socially for me either. My emotions regarding people my age have always been very difficult and complicated and I have had to face these feelings alone in order to move forward with my life. Now the reason I have always liked Japanese culture and anime in general is actually pretty simple, but it took me years to fully understand why I was like that. I know now I feel this way because when I was in the presence of Japanese culture I felt that it was one of the very few places in my life that I was free of contempt and endless judgment. Whenever I see otaku or anime culture in general, I feel like I'm at home again. This is why Otaku girls will always be very attractive to me, because I will always have that subconscious special connection. I know that this is a very deep and personal post, but I've always wanted to say this to the anime community but never had the courage to. I think that's the main reason I've been single all these years, I have sometimes been too afraid to just be myself. So my only question is what advice would anyone have for relationships going forward?
Gosh I would love to help...but I have no experience at all Maybe someone else like panda or Cotton Or Arc Or veru Or princess Or max Or tea Or pika Or luna Or ed Or holy Or fran Or fancy Or anyone but meee
Avoid online relationships, they rarely end well. Most of the time someone(usually the woman) gets impatient and hooks up with someone else who's in their area. Be very cautious of women you meet online who are model levels of physically attractive, they're probably someone trying to scam you in one way or another. Don't beat yourself up if you get rejected or ignored a few times, it happens. Women on dating sites get a bit weird because of all the guys that come their way, so you gotta be patent. Lastly, just be yourself and try to act friendly. If you lay the charm on too think or too soon you'll scare people away.
Thanks neet-one that was quite helpful and to be honest despite being lonely a few times I feel that many of my rejections were for the best. Now I just embrace honesty and will do the best I can.
I actually have experience it might be out of date. I have had 7 long term relationships. All eventually failed of course. But that means I know mistakes and how to avoid them ask me anything.
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