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dealing with negative emotions regarding being single?

When you start a romantic relationship, you have make sure that you're not going too fast. You can't go from 0 to 100 just like that. Begging for affection will just make the person you're dating become annoyed with you. Girls love it when their boyfriends do romantic and couple stuff with them. Just remember that too much of anything is bad. As the relationship goes on, you gradually do more love-dovey stuff.
You know what's hard? Not knowing if you're single or not. We do pretty much the exact same thing but a little bit less because we've only been talking for like a day again I guess. qwq
If you can't handle being alone, then what's the point on being in a relationship? Think about that. You're 17. You have a pretty long way to go. Spend time with yourself. Learn something that can benefit. Try making friends. Keep doing what makes you feel in comfort. Eventually, someone will come by and notice. Maybe a relationship will form.
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i like being alone but i cant be alone for too long. being in the middle of nowhere sucks, i dont know how people can do that
Advice I can give: (1) Be confident in yourself and your abilities. You are who you are and there is no changing that. There are things you will be good at and things you won't be. That's life. (2) Embrace change and failure. Things change all the time and you have to be ready for it, whether you know it is coming or not. The world will not wait for you to get better. When I say embrace failure, I mean use experiences in order to grow as a person. Mistakes happen. Experiences are only a waste and a complete waste if you can't learn from them. That is the part where being wise comes in. =) You won't be a rock star over night and that is okay. Hope that helps. Take it from a fellow scaredy-cat. I was afraid too..still am. BUT I am better at it.....You see, I wear a coffee filter for a hat and look how I turned out..EH? I am still here.
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