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you know what i dont get?

i never got the my little pony thing either like what is so great about it...it seems like a show meant for little girls but to see grown men into it is kinda creepy especially when there are ones who get sexually aroused by my little pony porn its like zoophilia in hentai form
Mar 18, 16 at 8:02pm
equestrian girls is pretty dope. i never got into the mlp, maybe some day ill watch more then a couple episodes. probably not
Know what I don't get? People who pour milk before the cereal. That's just wrong...
I don't understand how some women are being treated so badly in some countries...<.< Makes me upset to hear about women being abused or used or that women were just put on this earth just to make babies...Yeah no. I don't know what idiot put that theory in their minds but women are just as equal as men.
Mar 19, 16 at 6:34am
^^^ Religious idiots amaze me day in day out. I don't get small talk in taxis. I paid you to drive me not entertain me.
i dont get why making fun of people for being angry is a good thing. like, it's just kind of annoying that people having emotions is seen as a joke. especially when some people have mental conditions that don't let them control their emotions that well, having their anger seem like a joke and just leading people on is kind of iffy to me
Political correctness is overly rampant nowadays.
Know what I don't get? This age of ironic detachment. People thinking that caring about something isn't cool. It's cool to be a "rogue" with a cavalier attitude. All our heroes no longer work hard to get where they are. They were just born badasses who effortlessly solve any and every problem presented to them. And they always look so bored doing it. Watch a few episodes of Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero or Asterisk War to get what I mean. You see this kind of "hero" all the time. I think that it's because caring means you can get hurt. It's like that episode of the Simpsons Bart gets an F. If I don't try and get an F then I'm just too cool for it. But if I try and get an F anyway then I'm stupid and shouldn't bother trying to work hard because I'll keep failing. The only things worth being good at to people are the things they don't have to try hard at. And thinking that any one who is good is either luck because they were just "born talented" or they're cheating. Like how anyone with even a moderately good physique is accused of using steroids. My thought is that people use that as a crutch to absolve themselves of the responsibility of hard work. As if it's an excuse. And this applies to school, work, relationships, just your general station of life. And sure, life's not fair. But too many people are soft. They will always look for reasons to avoid anything before reasons to try it. And nothing is ever their fault. People who don't take anything in life seriously and never try annoy me.
The new generation of gimmie.
You know what I don't get? Bad engineering of everyday things in America just because that's-the-way-we-always-do-it. For example, Japan runs it's power lines underground. We don't because we love having to constantly fix power lines downed by storms because jobs or something. We spend billions of dollars on jets we don't need but won't fix old lead pipes that poison thousands of people until government forces it because bad headlines. Massive drought out west that even millionaires can barely water their lawns but nobody ever thinks to build desalinization plants for fresh water from ocean water? I'm sure the millionaires would fund it just so they would be allowed to water their lawns. The exact same crappy made toilets that probably haven't changed in a century. And why the f**** do we still use toilet paper!? It's awful, causes long term damage and doesn't get your ass clean and creates massive waste! Bidets people! Europe and (parts of) Asia figured that out a long time ago! F***ing legalize weed already, f*** you big pharma! All homes should be built with photovoltaic panels on the roof and battery back up but no because greedy corporations. Also gasoline cars are stupid but oil companies forced the infrastructure and it will take a long time to move away from them. All students should be taught basic living skills before anything more advanced. Cooking, cleaning, sewing, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, basic economics, even wilderness survival, etc
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