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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

It's the Trump vs Hillary debate, which would you rather have just to avoid having the other, lol.
I like the "#FeelTheBern" thing. It's pretty funny to me. I personally don't care about stuff like this honestly but Trump is a pretty shit candidate along with Hillary. The country has already gone to shit though. Whichever happens, I guess. I pretty much just try to live as long as I can then be a corpse and decompose. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I dont want it but if it happens I'm gunna paste my ADOPT ME label and jump in my cosy box until some warm hands from anaother country take me in.
Come to France if you want a dumb president.
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@differentdrum Are... Are you insane? http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/oct/31/two-thirds-of-jobs-go-to-immigrants/?page=all American citizen unemployment is at 40%. Obama created a racial division that hadn't been seen since the Civil Rights movement. He's effectively been working at destroying the middle, working class since his first year in the seat. His Obamacare system brought on the loss of thousands upon thousands of jobs, due to companies not wanting to provide healthcare through this restrictive system. And now American citizens are forced into buying insurance with multiple thousands of dollars in pay-first premiums they can't afford. If not, they take a hefty fine that grows every year. Yet you think we're better off now than we were under Bush. Yeah, maybe in your dreams. That or you're one of the ones getting government freebies. News flash, the government isn't there to give you free shit. You're being used. And frankly, I've gotten sick and tired of seeing more and more money taken out of my checks to pay for the WANTS (not needs) of others.
^^^ Yep. Obamacare is shit. If I dont want medical insurance I shouldnt be forced to get it. And I cant even afford it even if I want to. And now because I dont have insurance I'm being fined $1000 + Obamacare is charging me $300. Well...there goes my tax return....<.<
Yep, I was fined on my taxes too. He's taking shit from hardworking people, and giving it to the people who has never worked in there lives.
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