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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

Hillary, and Bernie will fallow Obama's footsteps. Officers are black, hispanic, and Asian too. Does that make everyone racist? Sorry, race card doesn't work here.
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Send me evidence where he said those things, and I never said I was voting for Trump either. I consider him a lesser evil. Why is your avatar bearing the hammer and sickle, are you perhaps a communist? I know he was referring to Illegal Immigrants, many of whom are Rapist and Murders. Statistically that can't be denied, and as for people of the Muslim faith he proposed a temporary ban. Not to the already legalized and naturalized Muslim United States citizens. As for killing black protesters, certainly never said that. Are the African American, Latino, Arabic supporters of him racist too?
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Go figure, the epitome of hypocrisy. I wonder what Liberal Communism brought to the world. North Korea must be a very nice place. As if Communists don't lock up, and kill people off. He never accepted those endorsements, he was however endorsed by Mike Tyson :D.
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Heh.. Mao Zedong aye. Not guilty of anything, I'm not a politician. Nazism and Communism is on the same spectrum of herd mentality to me.
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@differentdrum Enough. Just stop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q6jHad-XG0 Stop spewing false MSM rhetoric and educate yourself. Trump is not a racist. The first statement was never made, and the others were very out of context. His supporters are not racist. Trump disavowed the KKK, that's all he can do. The American Working Middle class supports Trump. This includes LEGAL immigrants not only from Mexico, but from the Middle Eastern, Asian and other nations. The fact that you support cultural Marxism shows you definitely have absolutely no idea how the world works. It's hard to be frustrated though, especially when we're allowing liberal teachers to brainwash our kids in public schools and colleges. This is what happens when you allow them to bash Marxism into the heads of your kids for over a decade. They turn into you: outright brainwashed sheep. This is why I'm very glad that Trump is against common core. The education system is broken and being used as a liberal propaganda machine.
I agree with you about some infrastructure. The Soviet Union, and Eastern Bloc survived off the ability of mass producing items in quantity. It was more of a Military-Industrial Complex, in which the Civilian sector was based off of. I also agree with you that Modern Day China, and Cuba have democratic features; especially Cuba. Also keep in mind that those are modern versions of Communism. They're lesser evils, however also keep note that those countries are not very Multi-Cultural. Those versions of communism can't be assimilated into the United States. I also disagree with you about Leon Trotsky, he helped facilitated the Ukrainian Holomdor, in which some 10 million White Ukrainians died. Trotsky, lenin, and Stalin were Jewish; with a bulk of there initial handyman being mongoloids. I don't really bring this up to play a race card, I bring this up to show no color or nationality is innocent. As for "Nazism" which the word Nazi is actually derived from ashke(nazi) Jew.. What good things did they bring to the world? They were the first and only nation to eliminate poverty. They innovated many technologies that we still use today, for example helicopters, several medications, tank warfare, supersonic jets, Rockets, basis of helmets we still use today, Autobahns; which we call highways, Banning of Vivisection, ect. NOW, does that mean I support Nazi's no? Where did that eventually lead up to? Death and Destruction, same thing for Communism like the Soviet Union. America, and so called democracies are not different either. You can't hang your hat on one thing, and classify people as racists for differentiating with your opinion. @differentdrum
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