J.A.M. @joseph87mar
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Who is following this anime, ERASED? Telling by the last episode 9, what's your guess on who is the MURDERER/KIDNAPPER in it?
From the last episode, I believe that "Gaku Yashiro" is the criminal.
There is also "Jun "Yuuki" Shiratori," yet I don't believe he is.
I'm more positive that "Gaku Yashiro" is the criminal.
So, what's your thought in this?

Mathew @mathews
commented on
Mathew @mathews
Gaku Yashiro.
What I remember is that he is a teacher and has access to information about the kids.
Satoru talk about everything with him, also the sweets he had in the car make me more suspicious about him, and the most important one I think is when Satoru say where he hid with Kayo on the bus and the next day the boxes disappear.

eva~chan @evachan
commented on
eva~chan @evachan
I totally agree with you. The teacher is really suspicious but somehow I hope there'll be a plot twist.. because this would just be too obvious in my opinion xD

AndyKin @dankmaster
commented on
AndyKin @dankmaster
I know too much and it kills me slowly on the inside, but I love it up till now, I'm just wondering when they will enact what will happen later on ;)

combatd @combatd
commented on
combatd @combatd
I agree, it is most likely their teacher who is responsible for the murders. I also have a feeling something bad will happen to Satoru in the past just like in the present time with the police.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Chocopyro @chocopyro
I'm pretty sure the teacher's linked in with the killings somehow, but I think he might be a bit too obvious. Also, I have a feeling that even when we figure out who the killer is, there's still going to be a lot of unanswered questions. So far, it almost seems like the whole thing is set according to a meticulous plan, thus making the crime about more than the murders themselves.
My impression is that Yuuki knows some things, but is too afraid to actually speak out about them. Kenya is also quite suspicious in my book, so I haven't ruled him out yet. Maybe as the murderer, sure.
Please don't tell us anything, Andy. We want to feel smart. XD

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
we saw the killer he was next to Satoru when the police dragged him away i dont think its the teacher that is too obvious they did the candy thing to throw you off there is still sonething missing....probably someone we havent seen yet...there could be a strong possibility that the kidnapper from the first episode who was taking the girl away in the parking lot is the guy because the mom figured something out after that happened

Rin @miarin
commented on
Rin @miarin
Best anime i've in a long while ^^ the teacher?? So far atleast...but the candy thing was just odd

Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
commented on
Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
What about Airi's father? Is it possible that he could be the killer since we don't know much about him?

Mathew @mathews
commented on
Mathew @mathews
Hahha @Andy I went for the manga yesterday as i coulndt wait until next episode soooo, i know too."
@Choco At the begin i was thinking Kenya was the killer LOL, he was always suspicious and asking everything to Satoru.
@Miarin I can say the same, last anime I really liked was Parasyte, and knew it was amazing, as i read the manga two years earlier.
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