Toys R Us hate older Pokemon fans
Animekid @animekid
Toys R Us hate older Pokemon fans
Animekid @animekid
Toys R Us hates older and original Pokemon fans. Take a look for yourself.
( I'm sure that they don't really hate anyone but it still blows)
neeto @neet_one
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Toys R Us hate older Pokemon fans
neeto @neet_one
There's tons of good reasons for them to limit it to kids. I mean it is a toy store pushing a product primary targeted at kids. For one the kids might be weirded out by the older folk taking part. Many parents might not want to even take their kids if they know a bunch of man children will be involved too, which wouldn't be good for business. There's also a good chance many adults would go to get the promo cards just to toss em on ebay latter which would leave a lot of kids SoL when they run out. In the end older folks have had their time in the spotlight and had our chance, it's only fair to pass the torch and let kids enjoy themselves with other kids.
Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
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Toys R Us hate older Pokemon fans
Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
It's mainly scalpers that are the problem. It's the same reason the mew 20th anniversary plush is so hard to find. it is currently $60 on ebay
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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Toys R Us hate older Pokemon fans
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
This account has been suspended.
Aerone @aerone
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Toys R Us hate older Pokemon fans
Aerone @aerone
Limited availability always drives up the prices of a product. So it would naturally attract collectors or just people wanting to make a quick profit. I do agree with Neet that Toys R Us and the parents who bring their children, would be creeped out by the fact that there were a lot of older men and women there for the cards when the targeted audience are younger veiwers.
I think I had the opposite experience Teacup.. I was adorable when I was younger and then I don't know what happened. D:
Animekid @animekid
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Toys R Us hate older Pokemon fans
Animekid @animekid
I recently saw a quote saying the targeted audience is never the targeted audience lol.
mick3 @mick3
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Toys R Us hate older Pokemon fans
mick3 @mick3
@thesailingteacup the same for me expect for the mum part also only a small group at my school liked pokemon. @animekid true about targeted audience
Animekid @animekid
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Toys R Us hate older Pokemon fans
Animekid @animekid
I'm so happy that they had a really cool guy at my Toys R Us who didn't give me any hassle about my age. I asked for the poster and he even suggested that I don't forget to take some free cards too XD
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