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The judging thread

Judge me! I'm curious about what people think of my profile
@Yuki Where I to only look at the username and photos I would guess this would be a profile for a young woman xD THANKFULLY I read your info and did not make that mistake haha. There isn't anything wrong with being dandere. Web formats like this make it possible for shy people (including me) to open up. Photos of you! WHY DOES NO ONE HAVE PHOTOS OF THEMSELVES?! I feel as though you might have an easier time talking when someone asks something about yourself / initiates conversation. But that is just a feeling I have xD
@adolannan thanks you for that uhhh yeah i guess i act a little more like that when i like someone. i used to have a pic of myself but then i started getting weird comments from people about it so i was like nah imma take it down. i will look into fixing my info page
Yeah, that sounds about right! :3 I have one picture of myself on here! X3 probably gonna add more later. I think I've gotten a little better about making conversation with people and I've been more active here
Mar 05, 16 at 1:04pm
not sure how this works? <.<
You ruthlessly judge others based on their inadequacies and failures. You make them feel so bad, they'll wish they were never created by the Goddess Madoka.
Mar 05, 16 at 1:14pm
Simple. This is a place to give feedback to user's who want their profiles to be rated, or to be given feedback by others for your own profile.
People want Senpai to notice. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d2/73/77/d27377e8be8d94ab7fd271040bc43897.jpg
@blueroses&icecream If were just going by profiles you seem super cool. You provide a lot of information in your profile. I find your username epic XD. Pictures at first I thought you didnt have any but I see them at the bottom. Your into cosplay I see, they look cool btw. I honestly cant find anything negative because I dont really know any of your posts in the forum. Your first name reminds me of zatch bell for some reason XD I dont know if thats a good or bad thing. And I know nothing of retro games in all honesty I hate them. I find this thread interesting because I often get mixed views so im not sure how I seem to others. But positive and negative opinions would be greatly appreciated.
@Adolannan, Yeah I have a strong cynical side so it's very easy for me to look at the negative aspects of things, particularly myself. I don't really support my ex's family, I just help them a bit. It costs me less than an apartment would. Also I feel like part of the family which is nice. However I am aware that it seems odd from an exterior perspective. Also it's not exactly the best situation for dating and such. I do like that it leaves me some extra money to enjoy a few nice things I like. I do look forward to finding my own apartment this summer if I can find one. I've only been here since last November. Really though, I hate the whole system that involves wasting most of your life struggling for sufficient funds just to survive. Like you can't really do what you want in life unless you are practically rich. Many people have become so enmeshed in this constant struggle that the whole point of life becomes the struggle itself and they wouldn't know what to do with their lives if money wasn't an issue. I find this sad. Now the struggle doesn't stop me from doing at least some things I want, it just makes it more difficult by sapping my strength and motivation from working at my job 40hrs/wk. It's easier to have hopes and dreams the younger you are and the more time you have, and harder the older you get, hence the ratio of increasing cynicism with increasing age. However I try not to look at things like I only have X amount of time before I die and have to accomplish certain things. I try to look at things like time is limitless and live everyday as equally important and try to find some fulfillment in that day.
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