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The judging thread

Of course I totally understand. Frankly I would do the same if it meant it saved me 100 bucks or so each month. Besides, if you have a good relationship with all of them thats what matters. But I'm glad you see my point about the outside perspective. That can scare people away! c:
lol everyone looks on everyone's profile to judge them. :3
Mar 05, 16 at 9:26pm
ahh well judge me then
@Faeding You look like a target worker. I like the people who work at target because most are cool college students ^.^
@Faeding ^ I agree with the above post ahaha. I used to work at target myself so I'd know xD You have 0 info about yourself on your info section. There is no way to really judge your character. Although from the what? One line of text you have? Seem needy. Start with something positive! Lots of people on here have the need to want to connect with others, so I feel there is no reason to state what you did. And, by presenting something more interesting you may just attract the right people to talk to also. c:
@Tri Tri <3: Thanks for your positive comments :D You seem really cool as well! Your profile gave me a lot of information, and it seems like we have quite a few things in common. You're very versatile in your interests which I think is absolutely great! Also I think you're from around the same area as my current roommate. @Adolannan: I almost worked at Target, and ended up at Walmart... Basically the same thing, but those kinds of jobs suck the life out of you, especially when you're trying to focus on school work. EDIT: I got your names wrong... Sorry :(
Mar 06, 16 at 6:48pm
O_O Target worker ha? Well i dont disagree but ive never worked there before <.< @Adolannan I mean. Ive never really understood how people could detail themselves with their own words... its..interesting to the say the least. But there's too much to talk about or even state.. So i kinda just put what im looking for. I'm looking for someone whom i can confide in. It probably seems needy because it is ^.^ (I'm ganna post a few pictures of me, please feel free to judge them all) Just to kinda demonstrate...diversity. People are very complex beings.. I'd much rather converse with people and let them ask questions/ draw conclusions... than try and explain... what.. i think i am? http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/Rin_Sefers/10410452_341543322704500_2785976932707249108_n_zpsyojabj4n.jpg http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/Rin_Sefers/11038879_341543306037835_4932342776298124976_n_zpsmswnc6ct.jpg http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/Rin_Sefers/10271487_248725398652960_5885096576050526444_n_zpsikha8tgq.jpg http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/Rin_Sefers/733980_101371646721670_837838629_n_zpstbawf5hl.jpg http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/Rin_Sefers/11667302_393722167486615_4746464373836880421_n_zps9cnsata9.jpg http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/Rin_Sefers/71946_101371570055011_1597949125_n_zps0b52gzxb.jpg
I mean x.x I'm certainly no the person to judge looks or anything. Perhaps my opinion would not be as valid as someone else but, you want someone to get to know YOU but you offer no starting point other than - as we agree - you are in need of someone to talk to. Imagine someone finds you attractive on here, they go oh this guy is cute right? *goes to info page* And I know absolutely nothing. Not even interests. Its boring. -maybe thats just me- //I also find the posed topless shots kinda lame. Absolutely no offense intended. In any case, as it stands you would be better off making the first move when talking to anyone. Because to start a conversation on say, my end is a bit difficult c:
Mar 06, 16 at 7:10pm
None of the pictures i just posted are on my profile.. i dont like to " Show off " and just post muscly pictures on my profile. I guess using pictures was a bad idea... but my point was to try and show you...how much easier it is to just.. literally show you- with pictures- So when i dont have lots of information on my profile its because id much rather have conversations with people... its a lot easier for me to show someone what im like... than it is for me to externalize and describe what i'm like. There is also something about someone starting a conversation with me as being a bonus. Not that i dont actively seek conversations with people... its just always nice if someone starts it with me.
Of course, I understand. Take the suggestions with a grain of salt, as they say xD
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