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The judging thread

Judge me the weirdo I am: I live with my ex (we are good friends now) and her family. Her brother and sis (13 and 15), her parents and her grandfather and I all in one house. Yet I'm the only one with a job. I'm slowly saving up for a car but with some of my tax money I bought an $80 Japanese fountain pen and $20 bottle of ink, a $300 kinetic-perpetual date Seiko watch and $30 Italian leather wallet. Tomorrow a may order a $100 neko hoodie. I'm also awaiting delivery of a $160 tube amp for my $300 headphones. I work full time night shift at a hotel. I sleep much of the day on the living room couch. Nobody cares because I help buy food and stuff. When I'm not asleep, I'm on my laptop looking at porn or anime or technology news or forums like this one. I might get an apartment this summer if my crappy credit history doesn't cause problems.
^I already did one on you! lol With the oversharing again! @blood&icecream I am the most judgmental person I know, if you're meeting my standards you're doing okay. ^_~ Also, for every person I judge I am 100x more judgmental of myself.
@SarcasticDesire: I hope that means I passed the inspection :P I'm an asshole dressed up in a pretty pink bow of kindness. That doesn't mean I'm not genuinely nice sometimes; I frequently mean every nice thing I say. It just means don't think I'm unable to cuss people out behind their backs. :D People genuinely irritate the shit outta me sometimes :/
@blood&icecream https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b4/39/18/b4391822a8d1981c087bdd8c97886ba9.jpg I thought that was everyone. Or maybe just me, but not really. I will usually hold back, but I'm mean too. I will say mean things that people are thinking but won't because some people just need to get called out on their shit. My biggest thing is I tend to be dismissive of people I don't like.
Meh, I was just bored and felt like talking about random parts of my life. Do I see a romance blooming with some bloody sarcasm and the desire for ice cream?
Judge me I guess! X3
can you judge me as well...or do i have to have a pic up of myself?
@Panda I appreciate your efforts to stay active in the threads c: Being one of the first people to welcome me to the site I remember that and thanks again for it ^.^ A picture of yourself would prob be a really good idea. Though it doesn't seem that this site really requires it. I suppose a lot of people talk and exchange numbers and pictures at their own pace?? Your info page is a bit of a mess - To me it makes it hard to read x.x I think you can format it better! Personality wise - You seem to really like cute stuff / act cute - But I don't always see that side of you in everything. If I were to guess you act that way more towards people you might like :-p
@Vampire_neko Were I not actually a judgmental person at all I'd consider what you just posted along with your request as a major red flag Nothing against you of course, I don't see living with an Ex and their family while what seems to be supporting them as a very good sign. Focus more on the positive stuff! Your info page is really well laid out to describe your interest in Anime so ++ there. But there isn't anything about yourself at all! You should add something c:
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