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What would you do?

@Essan I know this is a weird question but WHAT IF you feel the same way? Oh my gosh. I cant imagine. Yaio. *nosebleed*
Dec 28, 15 at 12:15pm
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@sol Ehhh, no communications with her yet. Maybe i'll try to contact her sister. I wanna save our friendship for good.
Dec 28, 15 at 12:21pm
I would be honest with her and tell her that you value your friendship over everything else.Make sure to be with her when you do it and try to keep contact for the next week.
@dars Thanks! That's a great advice. I juat don't know if she'll accept it though.
Dec 28, 15 at 12:30pm
She should realize that while a relationship is her goal.losing you would be worse. just stick with her.The rejection will hit her hard but her knowing you'll be there for her will let her know it was for the best.
Dec 28, 15 at 12:37pm
@pyro Lol hahaha Oh wow I don't know how I would answer that lol I'll humor you though. Maybe in some alternate reality it would happen. But not in this reality XD
Dec 28, 15 at 12:41pm
@dars Yea thats what I said at the end, good advice
Dec 28, 15 at 1:30pm
All I'd say is "I appreciate the sentiment but I'm not into guys".
Dec 28, 15 at 1:58pm
You ran away and im sure she interpreted that as you don't even want to be friends, let alone feel romantically about her. You insulted her when she made her self quite vulnerable, I'm sure it took a lot for her to admit that to you. Just apologize and let her know how you feel about the situation. If she can't.get over it and just remain friends, it may be time to cut ties with her. Personally, I'd just make sure that they know there's absolutely no way that what we have will.ever be anything more than platonic. There's no need for malice or disgust. If anything, id be flattered like I've been before when a man has hit on me. I mean, damn, ya got something going on if even your same sex wants ya.XD
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