The simple question

suna @suna
The simple question
suna @suna
The report by which a "japan Expo" is held in France was seen.
The problem is that the contents are unrelated to Japan.
With the report, most contents of the exposition are related to South Korea, and were shocked.
Do you have a distinction in Japan, Korea, China?

davie @davie
commented on
The simple question
davie @davie
While it's fair to say that these three cultures (among others) share many similarities (such as how Americans share similarities with various European countries) a distinction is important because each and every country has their own unique culture.
Mislabeling can be rather annoying and depending on the content could even be insulting.
It's not unfair for someone without knowledge of these countries to make mistakes but it's when they continue to insist the cultures are the same that it becomes ignorant and usually rude.
Being of South East Asian descent I like to think I have a rather knowledgeable (but by no means perfect) understanding of the differences between Asian countries. Nothing annoyed me more when I was younger than when [usually my peers] asked if I "was Chinese or Japanese," as if those are the only two Asian countries in existence! (For the record, I'm Cambodian).

suna @suna
commented on
The simple question
suna @suna
It is very interesting that the opinion expressed like this can be heard.
Since I have not come out from Japan, he is interested in foreign.
Language has been an obstacle for me.

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
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The simple question
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
Japan: Hentai
Korea: Starcraft
China: Outsourced US Jobs
Did I get it right?

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
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The simple question
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
YES YOU DID. ^like x10

Kyetge! @kyetge
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The simple question
Kyetge! @kyetge
Japan: Caramelldansen~
Korea: Korean dramas that make me cry.
China: Earth Kingdom.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
The simple question
ロイ @wallace614
Japan: Anime/Manga and culture
Korea: K-Pop and Dramas/variety shows
China: Everything is made in china

Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
commented on
The simple question
Keisanki_no_Otaku @keisanki_no_otaku
Japan: Anime, manga, kendo, culture, J-Pop, J-Rock, most things awesome
Korea: Manhwa, awesome Starcraft and Starcraft 2 players
China: Awesome food (if you haven't been there in person, you are totally missing out. Chinese restaurants outside of China aren't even close to the quality of food available there), great scenery, neat history.
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