League of Legends.

Arc @arc
commented on
League of Legends.
Arc @arc
I do best on top because I'm a sadist, but I don't mind getting it on in bot, especially if I get it on with Veru.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
League of Legends.
Veru @verucassault
he doesn't mind... getting it on... in bot.. <<< ohhh rlly????

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
League of Legends.
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
What Arc ur ok with top? I always thought u perfered to be bot with veru

luffysenpai @luffysenpai
commented on
League of Legends.
luffysenpai @luffysenpai
Death Shinigami silver. Can do all roles but prefer jg, adc and mid

Arc @arc
commented on
League of Legends.
Arc @arc
Veru, I mean your bot!
And Sunflower, I love top, because it requires the least amount of skill to play :P

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
League of Legends.
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
pfft, arc

commented on
League of Legends.
What top laners think they do:
What their teammates think they do:
What they are trying to do:
What they actually do:

MadManPooky @madmanpooky
commented on
League of Legends.
MadManPooky @madmanpooky
Bog Turtle Pooky add me if u like.

MadManPooky @madmanpooky
commented on
League of Legends.
MadManPooky @madmanpooky
Do all roles but mid and supp. gold 1 atm.
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