Anime/Manga vs. Cartoons/Comics

Mop @mop
Anime/Manga vs. Cartoons/Comics
Mop @mop
Do you feel that there's a difference between anime and cartoons, manga and comics? I know a lot of people that get insulted when the comparison is made and I assure you, that isn't my intention.
Personally I don't feel there's much of a difference. It's a different style, but the concept is the same: Tell a story through drawings.

soulxevans @soulxevans
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Anime/Manga vs. Cartoons/Comics
soulxevans @soulxevans
Basically they are the same to me. It's more about how one region of the world tells their stories compared to another. I like them all equally I'd say it's just what ever your preference is.

fujinkeima @fujinkeima
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Anime/Manga vs. Cartoons/Comics
fujinkeima @fujinkeima
I'm not gonna lie,I watch/read anime/manga much more.Doesn't keep me from having respect/liking comics & cartoons though.
Different style but same concept indeed.

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Anime/Manga vs. Cartoons/Comics
Kyetge! @kyetge
I'm just Saiyan...

fujinkeima @fujinkeima
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Anime/Manga vs. Cartoons/Comics
fujinkeima @fujinkeima
Well,if we're going there,we might as well mention Avatar (Airbender) and Legend of Korra,eh? o:

barcafc4533 @barcafc4533
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Anime/Manga vs. Cartoons/Comics
barcafc4533 @barcafc4533
The boondocks...
check that s**t out
seems legit to me
also afro samurai and other american based shows :p
as for cartoons, very different but old school = legit

Lamby @momoichi
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Anime/Manga vs. Cartoons/Comics
Lamby @momoichi
its all about culture. japanese anime rrrrr cartoons and vise versa just becuz of culture it evolved differently (and better ;D) but it is very interesting how its diffent, like adult cartoons here r goofy smutty offensive ones but adult anime is more gorry and perverted, usually more mature then adult cartoons. its very strange :P but ofocurse animes better

kanda92 @kanda92
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Anime/Manga vs. Cartoons/Comics
kanda92 @kanda92
personally i think they need to make cartoons more like their japanese counter part. i have seen cartoons, and one thing i dislike from them are
there are very few cartoons that have story line. its almost most of the cartoons i have seen have little to no story line, almost like its just there to make money, although on a technical scale. yes cartoons and anime are there to make money, however its more obvious in cartoons because they do not focus on story line. its just keep going and going. if i make a comparison, its like video games. most american cartoons would be like world of warcraft, or mable story. anime would be like megaman or something like that. there are only few cartoons that have the spirit of anime, like avatar the last airbender and legend of korra

pandababy @pandababy
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Anime/Manga vs. Cartoons/Comics
pandababy @pandababy
I think they are pretty much the same like mentioned before only different because of where they come from, however I think cartoons are more absurd in a way not like bad, but i guess kind of out there.

pandababy @pandababy
commented on
Anime/Manga vs. Cartoons/Comics
pandababy @pandababy
I think they are pretty much the same like mentioned before only different because of where they come from, however I think cartoons are more absurd in a way not like bad, but i guess kind of out there.
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