Any Fellow Texans???

Deadscope_XIX @theblackwinggamer92
Any Fellow Texans???
Deadscope_XIX @theblackwinggamer92
New here and just wanna meet new people ^-^

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
Any Fellow Texans???
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
I'm from central Texas

Deadscope_XIX @theblackwinggamer92
commented on
Any Fellow Texans???
Deadscope_XIX @theblackwinggamer92
Cool, North Texas Here

stickmichael @stickmichael
commented on
Any Fellow Texans???
stickmichael @stickmichael
Don't usually post but your a fellow Texan. East Texas.

otakusan89 @otakusan89
commented on
Any Fellow Texans???
otakusan89 @otakusan89
I'm in texas as well

Arthur Cures @alice_kills
commented on
Any Fellow Texans???
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
Maybe there should be a thread for each part of Texas lol. I'm from south Texas.

tokumeikibou @tokumeikibou
commented on
Any Fellow Texans???
tokumeikibou @tokumeikibou
houston reppin'!! :>

xueli @xueli
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Any Fellow Texans???
xueli @xueli
Also in Houston, with the AC running feeling kinda sad that we never get a proper winter :(

cassus11 @cassus11
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Any Fellow Texans???
cassus11 @cassus11
waco area. perfect distance to do all the dallas and austin cons lol

J @j_oxford
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Any Fellow Texans???
J @j_oxford
My heart is still in Texas, does that count?
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