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neeto @neet_one
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neeto @neet_one
Yeah I didn't get it either. Might as well just use a website to arrange a meet up if all you want is to find people to party with.
The fig I bought was a guyver figma. The price on it was decent, Like $40 I think? Yeah there was plenty of really overpriced crap there for sure but I just wanted to have a souvenir from the day.
They didn't have a very good selection of manga and most of it seemed uninteresting. I already saw excel saga many years ago and thought it was okay so figured why not give the manga a shot?
Can't say I've read spirit circle no. I'll keep it in mind though if you really think that highly of it.

neeto @neet_one
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neeto @neet_one
Well there just wasn't much to do. I met up with a friend there but he was tired and a bit hung over from the night before so he split to get a few hours of sleep. I was gonna hang out for a while till he finished his nap but the game room was a joke, screening rooms were showing horrible AMVs and anime I really didin't feel like re-watching, so after reading a volume of excel saga in the manga room, buying a fig in the exhibition hall and watching some anime I had on my phone to kill time I got bored and left just, was already on the road by the time he texted me. As that dude put it, the con was mostly a party con for people to get together and get wasted after dark, which really isn't something I'm into.

neeto @neet_one
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neeto @neet_one
yeah it's not exactly cheap to live here for sure.
No, The only con I've ever been to was Anime La, and I found it incredibly boring. That said I'm thinking about going to anime expo to give a proper con a fair shot.
Dark Cloud players?

otakusan89 @otakusan89
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Dark Cloud players?
otakusan89 @otakusan89
I almost beat the first one but got stuck trying to assemble the robot :/
Hey Fabulous people

otakusan89 @otakusan89
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Hey Fabulous people
otakusan89 @otakusan89
Welcome Cujo I hope you Find your Kurisu Makise soon lol
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