. @divine
. @divine
How do y'all feel about people who have a character they consider their Husbando or Waifu?
Do you have one?
I joke around with saying that Kaworu from Evangelion is my Waifu
He's just generally my favorite character.
But what about people who really consider themselves in a romantic relationship from an anime character?
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
commented on
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
Nothing wrong with having a favourite character, but when you start claiming you're in a relationship with them you might want to have your mental condition evaluated. :P
. @divine
commented on
. @divine
I actually dated a guy like that.
Sadly Illya from Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya won out our relationship.
I think some people need it though.
They're probably really lonely and need something to direct their affection at.
Edtastic @edtastic
commented on
Edtastic @edtastic
I don't really see anything wrong with it. As long as you don't go overboard with it. I like Miku and Mizore and if one of them were real I'd probably love to be with her. But since it'll probably never happen i don't let it effect my life. Just do as you do.
neeto @neet_one
commented on
neeto @neet_one
As someone who spends a lot of time in and around waifu communities lemme just say that it really gets on some of their nerves when people use the term as a joke, but I think until we're able to agree on a term that doesn't sound so silly that's probably not gonna stop so whatever.
Anyways... Not everyone who takes waifus seriously is delusional and/or insane. I've met hundreds of people with waifus over the years and only a couple actually believed their waifus to be real. Most of them are pretty normal people. If you met them on the streets you probably wouldn't notice anything odd about them. Sure those couple I mentioned can be really out there or even creepy, but guess what? There's tons of stalkers, rapists, pedos, and generally perverted creeps out there who are only interested in 3d people. It swings both ways.
Oh and there's also a lot of people out there with waifus from non-anime media as a side note, such as comics and movies and from both genders. I actually have meet a few women who took having a husbando seriously too, just sayin.
Not only has the concept of waifus transcended anime, waifus have also predated anime by Centuries. Since the dawn of man humans have created art and stories around idealized characters. There's nothing particularly strange or new about finding an idealized character attractive, just look at the millions of women who are nuts for sparkly vampires. Even before the movies when it was just a book countless women wanted to get down and dirty with a character that doesn't exist. Like wise people in the media are constantly being Photoshopped or fixed up with editing to look more attractive than the person really is. Some people don't like that they do it, but most still find them attractive that way all the same.
Contrary to what some might believe many people who have a waifu aren't "really lonely" If you want to see 'really lonely' guys one need only take a look around this site. Many aren't even afraid to admit it while they desperately try to fill that void in their life. Many of those who have a waifu on the other hand already have that void filled and as such aren't particularly lonely.
Besides, with the direction society is going it's only natural for people to seek out alternatives. People like to generalize and assume people have a waifu because they can't get a real person but for many it's simply that they don't want a real person. These days ( especially in the US ) people are only getting worse and worse. Heck it's getting to be where you're lucky to just find someone that isn't overweight as it is, let alone anything else you might be looking for or avoiding. This leaves people with two options; lower your standards and take what you can get or look for an alternative. Waifus are just one of the easier alternatives but you can bet robotic partners are on the way.
. @divine
commented on
. @divine
I can tell you feel strongly on the topic.
Do you take offense to casually using the term? If so then I apologize. I don't want to upset anyone by any means.
If I came off judgemental in my post, that wasn't my intention at all.
Just curious about how people feel about it.
And who they consider to be their Waifu/Husbando if they have one.
The reason I said "really lonely" was because I've only known one person who felt strongly for his Waifu.
And he said it was because he was lonely.
Being single for many years.
I rarely talk to people so I just go off information I've been given from the people I have.
Thank you for the comment. You gave a lot of insight into the topic.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Chocopyro @chocopyro
I enjoy talking to people who take it jokingly. I have my characters I adore, and I may proclaim a waifu ironically if conversing with other weebs/Otaku. And hell, I do know guys who take it very seriously, even seeking it as a form of mental companionship. Its not in my place to judge. The mind is a sacred place where any concept can be explored with honesty or without shame, so long as any acts of violation toward others do not come into physical manifestation through your own actions. And if you are shameful of your own thoughts, that isn't particularly healthy. After all, you have to open the windows and let the room inside your head air out or else it will only start to fester toward something much more ugly.
Do I actually have a waifu? Not exactly. Do I have characters I harbor mental affection for? Sure. Would they ever overlap into my real relationships? Nope, that's not something anyone I date has to worry about. In fact, I don't even consider it a problem dating a girl with a Husbando as long as I'm not being held to his standard or forced to cosplay and act like him against my will.
Besides that, I have only one caution as someone who is into the more spiritual practices in life. If you ever come across a concept known as a tulpa, make damn sure you research it thoroughly first. And if you're still serious about creating a tulpa of your waifu, get some mental therapy before plunging in. Because damaging self conscious thoughts you may or may not be aware of do have a way of gravitating a tulpa toward corruption. Ever play Persona 4? Yeah, its kinda like that. But lets disregard this paragraph and keep the topic down to earth. I merely leave this here just in case.
. @divine
commented on
. @divine
Tulpa? That's not something I've ever heard of.
Thank you for the reply.
It's interesting learning more on this topic from different memebers.
JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
JackTechno @jacktechno
I have a picture that used to be by desktop background, who I call my anime girlfriend. I just did an online quiz, and it gave me her. I don't make up conversations, or anything, though.
neeto @neet_one
commented on
neeto @neet_one
Creating a tulpa is basically self induced controlled insanity. It's a process of mental conditioning in which people train themselves to have vivid hallucinations. Some try to use this to create their waifu, and it's a dangerous process that can easily leave you a vegetable or haunted by nightmare creatures while awake.
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